- 2d Industrial Revolution
- Après Guerre Roosevelt et le New Deal
- 3d Industrial Revolution
- Neo Liberalism & Techno Feudalism
- 4th Industrial Revolution
- Amazing Progress
- Are we peaking progress?
- Performance = optimisation = Fragility = Lack of Robustness
- An history of broken promisses
The various capacity rythms to adapt are different by nature or by design and that creates frictions at exponential scale
2d Industrial Revolution
Après Guerre Roosevelt et le New Deal
3d Industrial Revolution
Neo Liberalism & Techno Feudalism
Stats 2017 ou 2018 (à préciser)
4th Industrial Revolution
Amazing Progress
Are we peaking progress?
Performance = optimisation = Fragility = Lack of Robustness
The performance - robustness axis
Olivier Hammant
Rebound effect
Goodheart’s law (indicateurs toxiques) : quand une mesure devient une cible, elle cesse d’etre fiable.
Cost of performance (paid by eco systems)
An history of broken promisses
De materialized
0 margin society