We felt into complacency
we should save resources and manage the earthship we are destroying it, we live upon credit using far more than reasonable for economic growth and for most for useless or over sized, redundant non essential goods
we should face global problems globally we start Abuse and deception eroded trust, pushing people into populists and facists, democracy is under pressure in part because elites have used it to maximize their dominance and for the sake of growth.
A system where resources are peaking (less means)
A world where environmental evolve at exponential pace (more problems)
No global group in control, worst the world is evolving in a multi polarised one which is more instable.
A super efficient and fast world, where optimisation has eroded resilience, make it more vulnerable, as specialisation is creating single (or almost single) points of failure.
Groups by interest create fake news for profit or public opinion manipulation amplified by blind algorithms focused on profit.
Creating a polarization in opinions, beliefs as well as a crisis of trust.
the communication era first via mass medias and then internet created the post truth era, a wolrd where the narrative is more important than reality.
The era of social currency and filters is creating a distorted view of reality, of self, altering relations between people andâŠ
Mental heath crisis
temps qui disparaissent, nombre de vocabulaire (et en oposition lâĂ©volution du language et de la comm (vidĂ©o, audio)
It seems like technology, the source of all solutions in our civilisation mentality, has at the same time created the problem we are in and when it was a solution seems to also turning into another sets of problems.
Everywhere we are looking the situation seems collapsing and yet for the moment the system is still up and running. So we are seeying it and not seying it at the same time.
So how so little change? Why does it seems that in front of the obvious, so much denial, or passivity?
Hyper normalisation
Path dependency
To move into solutions? Replace the points by the intro to the questions?

In March 2021, the Suez Canal was blocked for six days by the Ever Given, a container ship that had run aground in the canal. The 400-metre-long, 224,000-ton, 20,000 TEU vessel was buffeted by strong winds on the morning of 23 March, and ended up wedged across the waterway with its bow and stern stuck on opposite canal banks, blocking all traffic until it could be freed. Egyptian authorities said that "technical or human errors" may have also been involved. The obstruction occurred south of the two-channel section of the canal, so there was no way around it for other ships. The Suez Canal Authority (SCA) engaged Boskalis through its subsidiary Smit International to manage marine salvage operations.[6][7] The blockage of one of the world's busiest trade routes[8] significantly slowed down trade between Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
On 28 March, at least 369 ships were queuing to pass through the canal, stranding an estimated US$9.6 billion worth of trade.[9][10][11] On 29 March, Ever Given was partially re-floated and moved by about 80 percent in the correct direction,[12] although the bow remained stuck[13] until the ship was finally freed by Egyptian, Dutch, and Italian tugs at 15:05 EGY (13:05 UTC);[6][14] it took 14 tug boats at high tide to dislodge it.[15] The ship started moving under tow towards the Great Bitter Lake for technical inspection.[16][17][18] The canal was checked for damage and found to be sound;[14] the SCA allowed shipping to resume from 19:00 EGY (17:00 UTC) on 29 March.[19]
The vessel was subsequently impounded by the Egyptian government on 13 April 2021 when its owner and insurers refused to pay the demanded billion-dollar compensation.
Source : Wikipedia

The Age Of Social Currency

Idiocracy and hyper normalisation