- Ecological collapse has begun
- The Planetary Boundaries
- Climate Change : Green House Gazes
- Atmospheric Aerosol Loading
- Fresh Water Use
- Novel Entities
- Ocean Acidification
- Land Change Use
- Stratospheric Ozone Deplation
- Biochemical Flows
- Biosphere integrity
- 1st Effects & Future Risks
- Extreme climatic events and natural catastrophies
- Where Does It Goes?
- IPCC Scenarios
- IPCC report (GIEC)
- Bonus:
Ecological collapse has begun
The Planetary Boundaries
What if we told you that 3 on 5 of your vital organs where at risk?
How would you act?
Eco system viability level for humans seems more abstract, and distant from us.
But the risk is global for a wide majority of mankind.
Climate Change : Green House Gazes
Limit #1 : GreenHouse Gazes EmissionsAtmospheric Aerosol Loading
Limit #4 : Atmospheric Aerosol LoadingFresh Water Use
Limit #7 : freshwater useNovel Entities
Limit #2 : Novel EntitiesOcean Acidification
Limit #5 : Ocean AcidificationLand Change Use
Limit #8 : Land Change UseStratospheric Ozone Deplation
Limit #3 : Ozone Layer DeplationBiochemical Flows
Limit #6 : Altered Flows Of Nitrogen And FosforusBiosphere integrity
Limit #9 : Biosphere Integrity1st Effects & Future Risks
Extreme climatic events and natural catastrophies
List and pictures of recents storms, mega storms and floods
Day zero are coming
Almost :
le Cap 2018
Mexico 2024
Forest fires
Carbon Traps are collapsing
Un monde où les glaces auraient toutes fondues (très peu probable à moins d’un réchauffement à N°)
Where Does It Goes?
IPCC Scenarios
IPCC report (GIEC)
Le rapport du GIEC :
Si vous ne le connaissez pas, voici quelques images du travail incroyable du photgraphe Edward Burtynsky.