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Mayflower Autonomous Ship will attempt a Second Ocean Crossing with AI Captain
Domus, un trimaran superyacht zéro émission pour une vie de plain-pied
Autonomous shipping makes waves on sea and land — You Exec News
World's fastest electric 'flying' ferry to make commuting in Stockholm faster than cars and metros | Euronews
World's first autonomous, 7MWh electric cargo ship to make voyage with zero crew onboard - Electrek
Autonomous transport vessel wins state funding - Fish Farmer Magazine
Autonomous shipping makes waves on sea and land — You Exec News
Supertanker Becomes Vastly More Efficient by Adding Small Sails
Wind Challenger: World's first partially wind powered cargo ship successfully sailed
First 3D quantum accelerometer could let ships navigate without GPS | New Scientist
Creating an identity for the world's first fully electric high-speed ferry
A hydrogen-powered autonomous ship could help decarbonize maritime transport
Egypt's Suez Canal blocked by huge container ship - BBC News
3D-printed, autonomous ferry can transport athletes and visitors to and from paris olympics
« Une autonomie illimitée », l’invention d’un yacht à hydrogène alimenté par l’eau de mer et l’énergie solaire - NeozOne
The remarkable story of how Yemen’s oil tanker disaster was averted by crowdfunding | Environment | The Guardian
Les voiles d'acier « WindWing » de ce bateau cargo lui font économiser jusqu'à 12 000 litres de carburant par jour - NeozOne
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