Bugs, Bacterias, microbes & viruses

Bugs, Bacterias, microbes & viruses

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La fonte des glaciers au Tibet libère 1.000 espèces inconnues de microbesIndian scientists develop peptides that arrest coronavirus entry into human cellsThis Novel Drug Can Help Fight More than 300 Drug-resistant BacteriaResearchers Use Artificial Intelligence to Guide the Search for the Next SARS-like Virus | Georgetown University Medical Center | Georgetown UniversityWhy most Covid-19 deaths won't be from the virusNew Technique Allows Researchers to Custom 3D Print Bacteria-Resistant Medical Devices - 3DPrint.com | The Voice of 3D Printing / Additive ManufacturingL’érosion de la biodiversité et l’émergence de virus et bactéries | Humanité et BiodiversitéUn virus « tueur de cancer » testé pour la première fois sur l’HommeTime-Release Microparticles Could Deliver "Self-Boosting" VaccinesDes virus géants découverts dans un lac de l'Arctique | Slate.frLes dérèglements climatiques favorisent l’expansion du virus de LassaGuinea Worm Disease On Verge Of Being Second Eradicated Human Illness | IFLScienceFighting Bacteria with Bacteria: "Living Medicine" Treats Lung InfectionsDigital Microbes Used To Simulate Treatment Responses | Technology NetworksEngineered virus shows promise against aggressive breast cancerScientists Develop Compound That Kills So Efficiently They Named It After Keanu ReevesFirst-ever computer reconstruction replicates the exact chemical and 3D structure of a 'live' virusShape-Shifting Antibiotics – A New Weapon Against Drug-Resistant SuperbugsSmallest Known CRISPR System Could Be Used To Shred Viruses | Technology Networks
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