Théodore Besson, Managing Director of ESTEE had the privilege to moderate the break-out session of MELiSSA Conference 2020 on Circular Economy.
The session, named “How to attract actors of Circular Economy?” put an emphasis on the clear potential for LSS applications to operationalise circular economy
Some of the conclusions remarks:
- In order to effectively operationalise Circular Economy (CE), attract CE actors in the MELiSSA community, an increased priority could be put on making these solutions more marketable/affordable/sellable
- Switch the focus from the technical aspects to the business maturity of the LSS-related terrestrial applications and spin-offed projects, with a particular emphasis on their respective economic feasibility, Market Readiness Level (MRL) or customer feedback and market validation (if already effective) in order to ensure the long-term affordability and profitability
- Be more specific to better reach out and convince CE actors to participate actively. Successful attraction of the new actors of CE might need a simpler pitch of LSS-related technological solution whose business development just started, based on well-described USPs rather than on a too technological-centred speeches
- Showcase the LSS spin-offed activities that previously developed in sectors connected to CE
- Update a report on the recent success stories (multi-techno), at European level. Mapping success stories by topic (microbial biomass valorisation) or by market sector
- Bridge Scientists, engineers and industrial with innovators and managers to foster the spin-out and spin-in of technical solutions and cross-fertilise space and terrestrial dimensions of LSS
- Better connect of LSS technology benefits to health (health safety, monitoring, connection to covid-19 confinement and lockdown), health being an essential part of virtuous CE loop
- Reinforce the role of ground demonstrators, at the interface of the space and terrestrial dimension of LSS development, as a platform for attracting the actors of CE and make them join the MELiSSA community
- Clarify the purpose and scope of space LSS development to CE actors: Make a distinction between space exploration and settlement
More about the MELiSSA conference.