Sometimes a longer form leads both to more conversions, and better-quality conversions. There are all kinds of tradeoffs and testing is crucial. It depends partially on things like:
- Showing the user how long the form is (e.g. page 1 of 3)
- Keeping per-page number of fields low; with questions in plain sight (though interesting ajax tests and "hidden fields" have sometimes shown good results)
- Using drop-downs instead of open text fields so someone can fill out most of the form without typing
- Making sure the form fields "tab" correctly
- Extracting commitment out of the user early on - sometimes this m
How does form length affect conversion rates?
What impact does social login have on conversion rates?
What are average and good results for sign-up page conversions?
Director of Engineering @ HopinAuthor has 216 answers and 483.2K answer views12y
check out "Designing for Sign Up" -
Experience optimizing landing pages and application flows for American Express.Author has 51 answers and 139.5K answer views12y
As long as a form does not feel overly long, and you are clear and transparent about why you need information from the user, then the number of fields does not necessarily have a direct relationship on the conversion rate.
The big thing is friction to the user - if a field is time consuming to fill in or prone to validation errors, then that will be the field where most users drop out. Good examples are telephone numbers or date fields which force specific conventions on the user (dd/mm/yy vs. mm/dd/yyyy), or password fields which don't do a good job at education a user as to requirements.
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Lengthy order forms are big turn-off and hence the best practice here really comes down to two things -
- Ask only what you need. Do not collect any information that do not actually need to run the business. Thus, don't ask your customers where they live or how much do they earn or whether they are married, if that has no relevance to the ordering process itself.
- Explain why you need a particular information. You need to reduce the anxiety of the person while he is giving out his credit card info and hence its best to explain why you are collecting certain information. See how 37Signals does it -
What are examples of good login or registration forms currently in use?
What is the right way to calculate sign up conversion rate?
What converts better, a registration form on the homepage or button leading to one?
Will social login replace traditional signup?
Is the “How did you hear about us?" question in signup forms useful?
Well, as far as I'm concerned, I'm working for an online mortgage website, which means usually "long and boring forms"...
A few months ago, we A/B-tested our historical "3 pages form" vs a "1QPP form" (for "1 Question Per Page"), which contained over 20 different screens, which you can see here :
Results were incredible In fact, the bounce rate on the 1st page (landing page) dropped significantly, and we increased our completion rate of over 30%.
The number of questions didn't change... only their display changed. Of course, each form,
Metrics will most likely tell you what you know already: the longer a form is, the more friction or resistance there is for an individual to complete the form. Of course the person has to want what's on the other side, but I believe that only goes so far.
A simple form won't generate more people wanting your product, but it will increase their willingness sign up and give your product a try.
I'd only ask for the bare minimum in your initial form. If you require more information, get it later after the sign up.
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Several studies have shown that the length of a signup form does definitely have an impact on a company’s conversion rate. So, what is more effective, a short form or a longer form? In a nutshell, the shorter form.
If you present a sign-up/registration form on your website, you need to think carefully as to how many fields (and which ones) you want to display. Not many people love filling in forms as it is. Thus, don’t ask for those details that you don’t really need (e.g. your address, if you don’t ship anything to them). Why? Because it has shown that the longer your sign-up form is, and thus
Business Development at Convert (
Shorter registration is just always better. Many believe that numerous fields must be asked of clients in order to optimize their ability to retarget them. In actuality, an email address suffices when attempting to retarget buyers or even shopping cart abandoners. With our company, Convert (, we recommend a short registration field and concise checkout process to ensure the customer's retained attention.
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Building RaftLabs at Software and Applications (2015–present)Author has 777 answers and 1.4M answer views9y
Rule of thumb (that I follow). Dont ask even a single question extra if it is not very absolutely necessary.
If you need something but not during singup, you can ask those questions later.
Eg. Mint wont ask you to add your bank details during signup. First signup and then we can add Bank details later.
I know many apps ask for info so they can later use it for analytics. But this is wrong. One should think about analytics later. First focus on converting visitors to users and users to repeated users.
Cofounder and Head of Product of SocialVibe, Founder and CEO of BlockBeacon (acq. D&B Credibility Corp.)9y
RelatedWhat is considered a healthy conversion rate for a sign-up flow funnel?
Really depends on the product, stages of conversion flow, and target market. For something like a free web service product trial (where most of my experience is), I've seen these orders of magnitude:
100% - Starting on landing page 15-20% - Click button to sign up 30-50% - Fill out registration form (lower end for traditional forms, higher end for FB connect button or the like) 60-70% - confirm email and actual return to visit the product after initial visit
Keep in mind this is a compounding degradation, so overall my two apps have seen conversion from landing > registered + returning user of 2
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RelatedWhat is the right way to calculate sign up conversion rate?
Hello. Install Google Tag Manager and create an event on sign up form, create a goal in google analytics for this event. or if you have a thank you page - just create a goal for thank you page visits
- Enable variables to track.
- Create a constant variable with your tracking id.
- Add triggers (clicks, form sign-ups, errors, copying from the site, etc.). I prefer to link triggers to button classes or id. You can find them in the developers' window in your browser.
- Add tags.
- In google analytics settings click on the checkbox and fill in the field with your constant name put in {{ }}.
- Check if it works in