Population Collapse: The Hidden Enemy
Just when I thought the world and my life couldn’t get any worse I struck on a weird datapoint that worries me more than even an alien invasion. Population collapse, In the film Children of Men, the population collapses as fertility rates decline rapidly, humans don’t have any more children and the last child dies an unremarkable death. The people scramble to find help as the population ages. War breaks out and famine because the population cannot be sustained and the world ends with a whimper as the last humans die off. There is one hope though, a child born after the fall who has a special genetic code that might help repopulate the planet. Children of Men is a dark future and one that may seem all too familiar.
Children of Men (Youtube)
It’s not at that terrible level yet but it could be. Population collapse is worrying and the number of children per woman is decreasing by a lot. There could be a worsening population crisis in the near future because people aren’t having as many children. Certain nations are in grave danger, Look at Russia for example, its population crisis started after WWII when it lost millions in the war and hasn’t recovered since.
Our World in Data
The birth rate has been decreasing in some countries more than others but the entire globe has experienced a loss in the human population as birth rates decline heavily.
Our World in Data
Some people might say this is a good thing, fewer people less pollution, fewer environmental issues, etc. However, there’s no guarantee this will solve environmental issues and it could be the opposite, fewer people means fewer humans to clean up industrial waste, fewer people to plant trees, etc. Unless we want to replace ourselves with robots entirely the only solution is to increase the birth rate. With a much smaller population, there will be nobody to even build robots to replace humans.
The global fertility rate is now 2.32 children per woman from a high of 5.32 children per woman in 1963. That is a marked decrease and might spell the end of any population growth and even a significant population decline if the rate falls below the replacement rate. Countries like Russia and Canada are especially in trouble because of their low growth rates. This is worrying and nations in war like Russia should be the most concerned. They should focus more on repopulating and less on fighting supposed enemies close to home. The UN doesn’t seem that concerned and I don’t know why, are they managing the entire planet?
Global Fertility (Our World in Data)
The depopulationist agenda of Jane Goodall and the WEF is just idiotic. It’s a very cynical view and yes humans are shit but we also are what keeps the planetary ecosystem in check. We prevent predators from overrunning natural prey populations and keep them in check as well as keep livestock populations alive. Without humans, the entire ecosystem could fall apart. In Chaos theory there’s the idea of a stranger attractor, this is an equation that describes a system, like a population. When the system gets disrupted it affects many other systems and can cause repercussions throughout the system. The birth rate must increase or else the far future means too many old people and not enough young people to sustain it. The future is up in the air and hopefully it’s not bleak.