Every book, blog and post this past year has started with ‘The world is changing faster than ever’ or ‘We have never been confronted with greater challenges’, or—our personal favorite—‘Times they are-a-changin’. You’ve heard it before, but doesn’t make it less true. The world is changing. Fast. And you must be wildly arrogant to think you can tackle all that’s coming by yourself. We at yondr are many things. But arrogant isn’t one of them.
That’s why we’ve invited some of the best and brightest at our table to think about this mad world and all its possible futures. Don’t worry, we’re not planning world domination. We simply wanted to find out what the future of brands could look like. How will brands behave or change their strategies when confronted with technological, economical and environmental changes?
During two evenings spent with more than fifteen experts in media, branding and technology, we were comforted. We experienced first-hand that when thinking out loud, the same things that worry us become the things that excite us. We are happy to share the love, the insights and the cautious optimism we felt around the table, bundled in ten compact breadcrumbs to lead you the way, or maybe for you to find your way back
If you’re short on time, let us summarise. Know your audience, Know your tech, Know your world. And act on it, together
Oh, and if you're looking for a helping hand, give us a call. We at yondr are many things. Eager is definitely one of them.