Virtual Reality
Virtual reality - The future or should we say the present and the most prominent technology for the best user interface. Virtual reality has changed the means of interaction and shopping. Among the successful conversion rates in eCommerce sectors, Virtual reality is incorporating itself in the corporate world, i.e workplace. Virtual reality in the workplace assures, to enhance the learning process, better produce in expressing innovative ideas and of course seamless onboarding as well as training of employees.
Virtual reality is playing a major role in training employees. It is easy and entertaining not only to understand things but also to memorize them. Practical knowledge lasts longer than theoretical knowledge. The application of Virtual Reality has truly made the memorable process easy and better than any audio/video education platform today. In various industries like healthcare, army. Doctors, surgeons, and officers are well prepared for the actual procedure.
A recent report even stated that ”83% of surgeons, doctors trained in VR were ready to complete the procedure in a lab setting with minimal guidance.”
It has shown that they did better than the ones, who were trained with traditional methods. Because they had no experience in the application of these pieces of training.
The means of actually recruiting an employee and onboarding them with the job has changed its meaning in 2020. The version of learning by sitting in a class looking at a 2D screen is too not working. It is difficult to make employees believe how safe and friendly their work environment is and what it's like to be working with them.
Virtual reality has played a significant role in the recruiting process as well. Any job seeker would research about the company they want to land in. Pictures uploaded online can be one of the methods to have a zest of the workplace, but what it feels like to work there is the curiosity of the employee. Through virtual reality, the prospective employee can have a walk-through from the workplace for real and have the experience of doing so. The virtual walkthrough of the workplace would not only give immense satisfaction to the prospective employee but will save a lot of time for the company as well. The companies who are not well aware of the VR technology, in training, recruiting, and actually, onboarding employees can go through a lot of exploitation of their time as well as financial resources. This is exactly opposite to the purpose they started their business to save time and produce and earn more.
Well, WoWExp has got the solution to concerns like these. With WoWExp, you can ease the process of training, recruiting the employee as well as job onboarding. Whenever a new employee onboard, or joins the team, there are tons of knowledgeable staff waiting to be bombarded on them. Making them learn all the essential procedures beforehand can save a lot of time, what else is expected from a new employee. But by providing VR manuals, this problem can be solved in one go. The manual will be a compact and engaging one, which will be available for them forever, so that they can go through it anytime, especially in times of doubt.
Virtual Reality is far cheaper and requires less or no manpower and at the same time offers a lot more than the traditional method. It not only provides an engaging way of onboarding to the employees. But a lot of the employer's time can be saved as well. There is a particular team assigned to onboard the new employees. Now it can be just with a manual, which won't even bore any employee and also gives the freedom to the employee to understand things easily. However, Virtual Reality not only gives you this seamless experience but also for some astonishing real-life situations. Excited to know more. Have a look at: www.wowexp.ai/vr-training
Training employees repetitively can make them well prepared for almost every situation. WoWExp, with the help of Virtual Reality, can train your employees how to react in some situations, for which no one can prepare you. For example, training employees to defend against a bank robbery or on-site mining. No one knows how they'll react when they are in a real situation. But continuous drills during training for safety and awareness can surely give us a pattern of the behaviour of the employee.
With the help of VR goggles and creating scenarios, employees can be trained to make better decisions.
Wowexp’s CEO, Navin Manaswi says that “We believe technology advancement is the only way that is going to reinstate the primitive tools with smart innovative products that we produce today”. The core idea to imply the VR technology is to make more and more people aware of the power of better learning methods, making the world a better place. More details at www.wowexp.ai
Disclaimer: This is a company press release. No HT journalist was involved in the creation of this content.