Energy efficient cooling is critical to building more sustainable data center operations. Alfa Laval has been a trusted partner to the IT industry for decades, working with customers to design reliable, environmentally friendly data center cooling systems. With 80+ years’ experience in thermal technology, we offer expertise to enable new opportunities for free cooling and energy savings in server rooms of all sizes, all around the globe.
The key to sustainable data centers
- Advanced plate heat exchanger technology that minimizes the need for traditional mechanical cooling
- Shrink your power bill and environmental impact with unique solutions that maximize efficiency for minimized energy consumption
- A wide range of solutions to boost sustainability by taking advantage of free cooling as well as heat recovery opportunities
- Innovations for improving reliability and serviceability help you maximize uptime and simplify maintenance
- Third-party AHRI certification offers confident assurance of heat exchanger’s thermal performance
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Ready to see the future of green IT in your data center? Contact us today.

1. Cooling tower interchanger
2. Free cooling with water
In the spotlight

Join us for a webinar series on cooling systems
Cooling applications are experiencing a rapid transformation, with sustainability drivers creating all new challenges. But Alfa Laval can help. Join our subject experts for the first ever webinar series devoted to the latest trends – and solutions – shaping our industry. Take part live – or watch on-demand according to your schedule!

Committed to industry collaboration
Alfa Laval works closely with data center partners to advance the future possibilities of greener IT. That is why we are excited to play a collaborative role as members of two industry organizations: the Swedish Data Center Industry Association and the Open Compute Project.

Listen to the experts
Dive into the world of data centers and heat transfer and learn more about the next steps toward net-zero energy. Take part in our podcast Exchanges on Exchangers and find out more about efficient data centers.
Collaborating to develop sustainable data centers
We are in the middle of a digital revolution and data centers are increasing in number and size all over the world. Our job at Alfa Laval is to make sure that data centers and their customers can grow in a sustainable way.
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Digitalization of heat exchangers reduces the world’s carbon emissions
Alfa Laval and Microsoft have joined forces to reach a common goal – to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. This partnership utilizes the respective strengths of the two companies to create new sustainable solutions. Alfa Laval’s heat transfer solutions and expertise, and Microsoft’s data analysis and AI competence. This, to ensure all heat exchangers in the world perform optimally and to build the most sustainable data centers. A win-win-win for everyone.
Protecting and enabling greener solutions
On average, as much as 40% of a data center’s power consumption goes toward cooling the servers. Fortunately, the technology to make these cooling systems more energy efficient and reliable already exists. Watch this video to learn about the potential for increased sustainability with Alfa Laval’s next-generation plate heat exchangers.
Learn more about our unique heat exchanger technology
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Efficient and reliable technology: that is what we do
Only Alfa Laval offers a full range of heat exchange technology for data centers with performance certification from the independent Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI). This gives you confident assurance of efficient performance, but ultimately, the equipment is just the beginning. Find out how we can work with you from day one to make sure your cooling system will deliver reliable, long-term sustainability.
Learn more about AHRI thermal performance certification
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Unique expertise to ensure dependable sustainability over time
Fouling can greatly reduce both the expected lifetime of your heat exchanger as well as its thermal performance. With Alfa Laval as your partner, you have access to the world-leading experts on chemistry and materials technology. They can work with you to identify the potential causes of fouling risks and develop custom strategies to help you prevent it.
Learn more about our Materials Technology & Chemistry Center
Accelerate sustainable solutions
Imagine a more sustainable world. A world where it takes less to produce even more. A world where we efficiently meet our growing energy demands and simultaneously reduce CO2 emissions. Image a world where we can harness the power of natural resources, while preserving them at the same time. At Alfa Laval, we don’t just imagine this world. We’re building it - together with our customers and our partners.

System integrator? Consultant?
Or otherwise just looking for more in-depth information? Visit our page for BIM models, training videos and design support, where you’ll also find further contact information!
Visit our page for integrators and consultants
Advanced solutions for data centers
Gasketed plate-and-frame heat exchangers
Alfa Laval’s next generation of industrial gasketed plate heat exchangers set new standards of thermal efficiency, mechanical reliability and ease of serviceability. They are the key to more sustainable data center cooling operations.

Brazed and fusion bonded plate heat exchangers
Alfa Laval has the market’s most comprehensive line of brazed plate heat exchangers, with a range of solutions optimized for today’s more sustainable, natural refrigerants. Discover how you can benefit from ‘more with brazed’.

Cylindrical filter baskets
Alfa Laval offers a range of automatically self-cleaning filters and strainers, used to protect heat exchangers in cooling systems from clogging, fouling and corrosion. Reduce the risk of unplanned downtime and prolong service intervals.

Want to find out more about our comprehensive service offering? Click here.
Support to maximize your uptime
Alfa Laval has a truly global service network, with experienced technicians in your area who can be there with the support you need – right when you need it. From guidance on system design and installation, to training for your operators, troubleshooting, routine maintenance and even customized cleaning protocols, we are at your side throughout the long life of your equipment. Here are just some of the ways we can support you to maximize your uptime:
Performance audits
Our trained experts review and analyse the actual thermal performance of your equipment. Using modern tools, they can detect for fouling or similar risks, enabling you to better plan your maintenance needs in order to optimize system uptime.

Alfa Laval cleaning-in-place (CIP) systems enable quick and easy in-line cleaning of heat exchangers for managing fouling. With environmentally friendly, biodegradable cleaning agents, our CIP eliminates unnecessary repeated opening of your equipment. As a result, you drastically reduce spare parts consumption and the man-hours needed for maintenance.

Alfa Laval recommends frequent backflushing on the incoming flow of cooling water for short periods of time. In this sequence, the reversed water scrapes off and flushes out accumulated debris from the heat exchanger plate surface. Using backflush equipment saves time and money while minimizing downtime.
Questions? Challenges? Support? Don’t worry – that’s what we’re here for.
Want to find out how the right technology can help your data center project achieve greener goals? Fill out the form, and one of our experts will get in touch with more information.
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