Futur Immediat!
Moore's law
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Un ordinateur à base de cristaux liquides capable de calculer par "ondulation"
Computer history timelines
Computer history - Sixconet99
U of U Computer History Timeline on Behance
Timeline - important points in computer history — stackup
Computer - Wikipedia
Computers | Timeline of Computer History | Computer History Museum
History of computers: A brief timeline | Live Science
History of Computers: Parts, Networking, Operating Systems, FAQs
The Evolution of Mainframe Computers
A computer made from DNA-coated beads could detect viruses in saliva | New Scientist
The 4 Futures of computing : biological, light-based, analog, quantum
Computers that power self-driving cars could be a huge driver of global carbon emissions - News Update
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I think there is a world market for maybe five computers
A-Z filter
Internet early concept
Leonardo da Vinci depict inventions, one of them mechanical calculator and programmable robots
Napier moveable rods calculator
Gottfrield Leibniz : Calculus
Tabulating Machine
Mechanical counting machine
Precursor of digital computer
Punch tape binary computer
Atanasoft-Berry computer prototype
Forerunner of RAM
Pilot ACE and theory of keyboard/screen interface
The baby (Digital CRT storage)
1sdt electronic computer in Japan and Alan Turing publish paper helpingbuild the Turing test
1st business computer
IBM 701
1st integrated circuit
1st computer game : Spacewar
Computer clock
1st automatic machine
Binary system is perfected
2d computing machine
Prototype of the semi automatic weaving war
Semi-automatic weaving war
Electricity kite expiriment
Semi automatic weaving war (pretend the fist) TO DOUBLE CHECC W/ 1725
Continuous electricity
Mechanical computer
Laws of tought, foudnations of bolean algebra, mathematical logic
Boolean algebra introduced ion USA
Incandescent filament bulb
1st power generation station
Alan Turing cars
1st digital electornic computer
The term computer bug
Control Data (CDC) is founded
1st transistor
Clays CDC 6600
Innovations in 1922
Alan Turing develop Colossus, the Enigma machine killer
The term ‘user experience’
Mondothèque (concept)
IBM is created