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Related to NEWS (mTags)
Microsoft reveals undersea data centers
The British government asked when Microsoft would 'get rid' of algorithms
Pas de microvers pour metasoft? (et vice versa)
Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard Deal Is a Move Toward the Post-Console World | WIRED
Microsoft Has Developed an AI That Can Find and Fix Bugs in Code
Microsoft to gobble up Activision in $69 billion metaverse bet | Reuters
Microsoft’s Code-Writing AI Points to the Future of Computers
Microsft vs Facebook metaverse
Microsoft launches Project AirSim to train AI drone systems -
Game on: An interview with Microsoft’s head of gaming ecosystem | McKinsey
New and improved - Microsoft’s augmented reality headset - Just Auto
New and improved - Microsoft’s augmented reality headset - Just Auto
Microsoft’s new AI can simulate anyone’s voice with 3 seconds of audio | Ars Technica
Microsoft GPT-4 vs Google Bard : la guerre de l'IA est déclarée
Microsoft trains ChatGPT to control robots
Microsoft Researchers Propose to Combine ChatGPT and 15 Other AI Models | Metaverse Post
Microsoft's Bing AI chatbot runs on the GPT-4 platform
Microsoft axed AI Ethics and Society team | Popular Science
Why Microsoft Bing + ChatGPT Doesn’t Make Business Sense (now) | by Sam Warain | Feb, 2023 | DataDrivenInvestor
Microsoft Signs Deal to Get Fusion Power by 2028
Microsoft Is Building the World's First Nuclear Fusion Plant
CrowdStrike's Impact on Aviation - heavymeta.org
Three Mile Island nuclear site to reopen in Microsoft deal - BBC News
Related to SOURCES (MTags)
Microsoft’s Orca SHOCKS the entire industry - STUNNING GPT 4 competitor - YouTube
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Related to QUOTES (mTags)
There’s no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share.
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