Microbots & Nanobots
Microbots & Nanobots

Microbots & Nanobots

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You’ll be injecting robots into your bloodstream to fight disease soonGiving bug-like bots a boost - Technology OrgShapeshifting Microrobots that Fight Cancer on a Cellular Level | mddionline.comShape-Shifting Microrobots Deliver Drugs to Cancer Cells | Industrial Equipment News (IEN) California Startup Bionaut Labs Wants to Send Tiny Robots Inside Human Skull to Treat Brain Disorders | NDTV Gadgets 360Researchers take a step toward creating an axle-rotor nanomachineResearchers design nanochips that penetrate inside cells as mechanical drugs | Mirage NewsCaltech's newest Smart Pill will one day track the nanobots in your body – By Futurist and Virtual Keynote Speaker Matthew GriffinThese Nanobots Can Swim Around a Wound and Kill Bacteria | WIREDA DNA robot that walks on the surface of cells - Advanced Science NewsAirborne Microbots Will Float in the Wind Like Seeds - NerdistNew imaging method makes tiny robots visible in the body - RobohubScientists Develop Elastic Robots to Treat ThrombosisScientists Develop “Nanomachines” That Can Penetrate and Kill Cancer CellsStanford engineers develop tiny robots to treat patients from the inside | Principia Scientific Intl.Living robots made from human cells may induce neuron healing | New ScientistDNA-Based Nanorobot Interacts with Live Cells | MedgadgetTFDA Approves the First Autonomous Neurosurgical Navigation Robot, NaoTrac, from Brain Navi BiotechnologyDegradable microrobots could help deliver cells within the body - Advanced Science NewsTiny Robot Made From DNA Gets Up Close and Personal With Cell Processes | Technology NetworksInnovative “Nano-Robot” Built Entirely From DNA To Explore Microscopic Biological ProcessesResearchers use lasers to turn white blood cells into medicinal microrobotsSelf-assembling molecules suffocate cancer cells within hours - Funancial NewsDes microrobots guérissent des souris de la pneumonie10,000 Times Quicker: New Breakthrough Could Change the Field of Medical MicrorobotsMagnetic bacteria 'bots' could deliver drugs to fight tumors - Futurity10,000 Times Quicker: New Breakthrough Could Change the Field of Medical MicrorobotsTiny 'Rover' Explores Cells without Harming Them - Scientific AmericanMiniature Robots to Patrol the Pipe Network to Prevent LeaksCyborg cells could be tools for health and environment - News AziGermany: Light-guided jellyfish robots to boost drug deliveryResearchers create insect-inspired autonomous navigation strategy for tiny, lightweight robots
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