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From Waste to Wind imprime en 3D des éoliennes à partir de plastique recyclé
Startup Turns “Unrecyclable” Plastic Into Giant, Indestructible Construction Bricks
This fuel plant will use agricultural waste to combat climate change | MIT Technology Review
Microbes convert industrial waste gases into commodity chemicals | Science | AAAS
Flying drones find trash in rivers and send sailing drones to pick it
Only nine percent of plastic recycled worldwide: OECD
China Launched a New Military Satellite to Destroy Space Junk
Hi-tech AI-powered robots are replacing recycling centre workers in Finland | Euronews
Nuclear fusion startup test fires plastic waste-powered rocket
Des chercheurs ont développé une enzyme capable de dégrader du plastique en 24 heures
Waste plastic broken down not in centuries but in days by an AI-engineered enzyme
Maison autonome de la famille Baronnet
A new AI-made enzyme can devour plastics in hours instead of centuries
China Tests Drag Sail For Removing Space Junk
Lasers could cut lifespan of nuclear waste from "a million years to 30 minutes," says Nobel laureate
Avoir de l’eau bonne à boire et zéro déchet, est-ce possible ?
University Student Invents Solar Panels Made From Food Waste That Produce Energy Even Through Cloudy Weather
Lasers could cut lifespan of nuclear waste from "a million years to 30 minutes," says Nobel laureate
The end of pacific garbage island
Biomimicry Institute Highlights Startups in Circularity, Waste Reduction | Healthcare Packaging
Climate impact of pyrolysis of waste plastic packaging in comparison with reuse and mechanical recycling
Want to save the oceans? Stop recycling plastic
Photos: Rentable 3D Printed Homes Made of Recycled Plastic Coming to California
Could Coal Waste Be Used to Make Sustainable Batteries? | The New Yorker
Stemming the Plastic Tide: 10 Rivers Contribute Most of the Plastic in the Oceans - Scientific American
Kenyan Innovators Turn E-waste to Bio-robotic Prosthetic
The Cost of Our Disposable Tech Obsession | by Ricky Lanusse | Predict | Sep, 2023 | Medium
Related to SOURCES (MTags)
Fate of plastic (The)
Structural waste in the mobility system
Evolution de la radiotoxicité des composants du combustible usé après retraitement
Recycling rate of paper is almost double than plastic
Explaining the interceptor
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A waste is a misplaced resource
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