The human brain doubled in power, very suddenly, 200,000 years ago. Why? - Big Think Notre vie défile très probablement sous nos yeux quand on meurt | Sciences | Des scientifiques ont découvert des neurones réagissant spécifiquement au chant 5 nouvelles du cerveau #docu New AI chip rewires itself to learn continuously - just like a human brain | The Independent Une puce électronique capable de se restructurer elle-même à la façon d'un cerveau Human Brain Signals Recorded in Record-Breaking Resolution by New Sensor Grids We need to decouple AI from human brains and biases Quantum Brain Sensors Could Be Crucial In Spotting Dementia After Scientists Find They Can Track Brain Waves | Anti-Aging News « Cinq nouvelles du cerveau », documentaire sur le cerveau et l'intelligence artificielle Neuro-rights and the human rights initiative to protect mental privacy | by Jessica Outlaw | Medium Scientists Discover New Electrical Function Performed by Nearly Half of Brain Cells Les chercheurs de Meta analysent notre cerveau pour améliorer leurs algos A quoi ressemble le cerveau des philosophes ? - Colloque Yale scientists restore cellular function in 32 dead pig brains - Big Think Artificial Neuron Swaps Dopamine with Rat Brain Cells Like a Real One | News | Communications of the ACM Living robots made from human cells may induce neuron healing | New Scientist Scientists accidentally discover a material that can ‘remember’ like a brain Company's 3D microchip gives mechanistic insights into human brain TFDA Approves the First Autonomous Neurosurgical Navigation Robot, NaoTrac, from Brain Navi Biotechnology Scientists Finally Build Artificial Brain Cells NIH-Funded Scientists Develop Mouse Embryo Model That Generates Neural Tubes We are building a "species-level brain" with big data - Big Think After a century, fever-generating neurons have been found - Big Think Evolution du cerveau de l'homme depuis la préhistoire. Science is close to understanding where consciousness resides in the brain Implantable carbon fiber brain electrodes perform well in animal testing - SlashGear An Experimental Brain Implant Detects and Ends Pain in Real Time New Brain Implant Restores Sense of Touch on Fingertips Quantum Sensors Powers Brain Imaging System to Investigate Autism Magic mushrooms evolved to scramble insect brains, send them on wild, scary trips CES 2022: iSyncwave Detects What's Ailing The Brain In Just 10 Minutes Machine learning: ‘Artificial synapse’ could make neural networks work more like brains | New Scientist Un médicament anticancéreux expérimental pourrait aider à réparer les lésions nerveuses de la moelle épinière Time-Lapse Footage Shows Neural Stem Cells Grow in 3D Scaffolds | Technology Networks Your brain does not process information and it is not a computer | Aeon Essays Video Shows Human Brain Cells in Dish Teaching Themselves to Play a Videogame Scientists Say They've Figured Out a Way to Read Thoughts Using an MRI Machine Brain area that controls thumbs is larger in people who use touchscreens daily | Daily Mail Online Surgeons Remove Grapefruit-Sized Tumor From Man’s Brain; Implant 3D Computer Generated Prosthetic Skull Piece An artificial polariton neuron as a step towards a photonic system that mimics the operation of the human brain Researchers fabricate cerebral cortical tissues in 3D and functionally integrate them into a brain lesion in mice Une neuroprothèse qui restaure (en partie) la mémoire - Sciences et Avenir Companies Already Investing in Tech to Scan Employees’ Brains This woman’s brain implant zaps her with electricity when it senses she’s getting depressed | MIT Technology Review Elon Musk predicts Neurolink chip will be like ‘smartwatch in brain’ | News | The Times "Braingeneers" automate growth of brain tissue organoids on a chip Futurism - His brain was basically tapioca. Brain implant allows paralyzed patient to talk: study | CTV News Paralyzed Patient Communicates with Brain Implant | Science-Based Medicine Scientists find switch for people to control their dreams - Vox Brain implant helps completely 'locked-in' man communicate ‘The first time I’ve smiled in years’: brain implant offers hope to millions with severe depression | News | The Times Piezoelectric nanoparticles provide deep brain stimulation without invasive surgery – Physics World Artificial intelligence: Synthetic “brain” mimics insect navigation | New Scientist Brain Chip by Inner Cosmos 2nd Human Trial, Cures Depression Wireless Brain Implant Monitors Neurotransmitters in Real-time - News Center Researchers successfully bring mice's memory back with an asthma medicine New nanoparticles deliver therapy brain-wide, edit Alzheimer’s gene in mice Brain stimulation can improve the memory of older people | MIT Technology Review Memory Implants | MIT Technology Review A memory prosthesis could restore memory in people with damaged brains | MIT Technology Review Japan develops world's first optical computing AI algorithm inspired by human brain BBC GEL | Cognitive biases - Thinking fast and slow Former Facebook Exec Says AI Will Soon Simulate the Human Brain AI Algorithm Provides New Insights Into Deadly Brain Cancer | Technology Networks RTL Today - BRAINS goes to the ISS: research team sends cell samples to space AI Could Produce "Paradigm Shift" in Brain Injury Treatment | Technology Networks Striatum et climat : les ambiguïtés du cerveau How did humans get smart? | Bill Gates Speed Summary: Sapiens - A Brief History of Humankind - Brand Genetics New thinking: the evolution of human cognition - PMC Researchers developed 3D-printed sensors that can record brain activity on earbuds Calming Your Brain During Conflict There's Nothing More Cursed Than This Robot's Lab-Grown Brain