Futur Immediat!
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Related to NEWS (mTags)
We finally know how bad for the environment your Netflix habit is
The Future of Digital Innovation in China: Megatrends Shaping One of the World’s Fastest Evolving Digital Ecosystems | McKinsey
Power and counter-power in the digital society | Digital Society Blog
Numérique : le grand gâchis énergétique | CNRS Le journal
La Servitude électrique. Du rêve de liberté à la prison numérique - Futuribles - Veille, prospective, stratégie
Futurama N°5, webinaire de prospective de l'IWEPS - La transition écologique sera-t-elle numérique ? - Iweps
"Les usages numériques d’une entreprise peuvent représenter de 30 à 40% de son bilan carbone" • Les Horizons
Ancient Olympia to be digitally preserved - BBC News
The future of digital humans. Digital humans are a strong signal of… | by Juliette Thoby | Medium
The Future of Digital Innovation in China: Megatrends Shaping One of the World’s Fastest Evolving Digital Ecosystems | McKinsey
Les textes générés par IA sont déjà en train de « polluer » Internet
[Avis d'expert] L'ère du faux, et si la prochaine pandémie était numérique ?
AI is a Tool, Not a Replacement: Digital experience Still Relies on Human Creativity and Empathy. | by Orly Shelef | Dec, 2022 | UX Planet
The Surprising Fragility Of Our Digital World | by Giles Crouch | Digital Anthropologist | Medium
Digital Microbes Used To Simulate Treatment Responses | Technology Networks
Internet emissions: what's the issue? | Royal Society
What Is The Carbon Footprint Of The Internet ? The Impact Of Internet On Our Environment - Cleanfox
Do I emit CO2 when I surf the internet? – Energuide
Data Centres and Data Transmission Networks – Analysis - IEA
How Social Media Habits are Contributing to Internet Pollution | Earth.Org
Surge in digital activity has hidden environmental costs | YaleNews
Carbon Footprint of the Internet Over Time Since 1990 (With Graphics)
The Carbon Footprint of the Internet | Climate Impact Partners
The surprising carbon footprint of the internet | Sustainable Business Guide
How Polluting is the Internet? | CCCB LAB
Why your internet habits are not as clean as you think - BBC Future
Impact of E-Commerce on the Environment | Sana Commerce
The Environmental Impact of Online Shopping | Earth.Org
The New Wilderness (Idle Words)
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Digital transformation : future scenarios 2030
Digital transformation : are you ready for exponential change?
Digital path to business resilience (The)
From immaterial to material to everywhere
Au-delà d’Internet : ECHELON & Surveillance de masse
Addiction numérique
Who will control the media? The impact of GAFAM on the media industries in the digital economy
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Michelange Baudoux
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We wanted flying cars, we got 140 characters
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