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Scientists Create Material Made Entirely Out of Electrons
Startup Turns “Unrecyclable” Plastic Into Giant, Indestructible Construction Bricks
New Material Allows Lithium-Ion Batteries to Maintain Full Capacity for 5 Years
MIT Creates Material Stronger Than Steel But as Light as Plastic
Ultrathin Materials Lead to Big Advance in Quantum Computing
Materials Breakthrough Could Lead to Cheaper, Better Solar Panels
Powerful graphene hybrid material for highly efficient supercapacitors
Un matériau capable de produire de l’hydrogène à partir de lumière solaire - Science & Vie
Le graphène pourrait remplacer un matériau rare dans la confection des écrans tactiles
Self-Healing Nanomaterials: Self-Repairing Electronics Are on the Way
Stanford Professor Says He’s Been Testing Materials Recovered From UFO Crashes
La NASA a mis au point un alliage 1.000 fois plus résistant que ses précédents matériaux | korii.
This nanomaterial can produce clean energy hydrogen fuel from seawater | by Faisal Khan | Technicity | Medium
Cleaner concrete
Les ordinateurs quantiques pourraient "déverouiller" de nouvelles formes de la matière
New shape-shifting material can move like a robot
Video: Scientists develop 3D-printing method for wood that self-assembles | Daily Mail Online
Scientists accidentally discover a material that can ‘remember’ like a brain
This Iron-Shelled Snail Is Totally Metal … And Now It’s Endangered | Live Science
Engineers develop novel material that can think and sense
MIT's cellulose nanocrystal-based material is harder than bone - Big Think
Un nouveau matériau à base de carbone plus dur que le diamant
Robot morphs shape using material inspired by origami - Big Think
Filament, poudre, résine... 10 matériaux pour l'impression 3D médicale
Scientists develop unique method of making 3D printed polymer lattices 100-times stronger - 3D Printing Industry
What are Bio-based materials? - Plug and Play Tech Center
Biomaterials third wave | McKinsey
Space factory will make materials that are ‘impossible to produce on Earth’ is about to launch | The Independent
Meta materials
New Ultralight Material Is Tougher than Steel and Kevlar
Scientists Reproduce Fascinating, Powerful Material Found in Meteorite
Scientists Find Weird Ultra-Strong Diamonds From Obliterated Dwarf Planet
AI invents millions of materials that don’t yet exist
This 3D-Printed House Is the First to Be Made Entirely From Bio-Based Materials | Architectural Digest
Sand shortage: The world is running out of a crucial commodity
Scientists make 'disturbing' find on remote island: plastic rocks
Un minéral inconnu sur Terre a été découvert dans de la fulgurite, un "fossile" de foudre - Sciences et Avenir
Le temps s’inverse dans le verre et le plastique... Les matériaux peuvent-ils vraiment rajeunir ? - Science et vie
La création de matière à partir de lasers serait envisageable, selon de récentes simulations
Carbon fiber composite sensors offer solution for efficient traffic monitoring
From wearables to home decor: What are smart textiles used for
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