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Oceans by TheOceanCleanUp Project
Rivers by TheOceanCleanUp Project
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From Waste to Wind imprime en 3D des éoliennes à partir de plastique recyclé
Startup Turns “Unrecyclable” Plastic Into Giant, Indestructible Construction Bricks
Only nine percent of plastic recycled worldwide: OECD
Bill Gates parie gros sur une start-up de capture de CO2 et son plastique miracle | korii.
Nuclear fusion startup test fires plastic waste-powered rocket
Des chercheurs ont développé une enzyme capable de dégrader du plastique en 24 heures
Waste plastic broken down not in centuries but in days by an AI-engineered enzyme
A new AI-made enzyme can devour plastics in hours instead of centuries
Les matériaux d'impression 3D : plastiques, métaux, polyamides, résines
DIY Robot Seamlessly Turns Plastic Bottles Into Filament
Un nouveau plastique biosourcé aussi résistant que le PET !
Scientists develop unique method of making 3D printed polymer lattices 100-times stronger - 3D Printing Industry
Des scientifiques transforment du plastique en diamants grâce à un laser
The Overwhelming Amount of Plastic in the Ocean Isn't What You Think
The end of pacific garbage island
Climate impact of pyrolysis of waste plastic packaging in comparison with reuse and mechanical recycling
Photos: Rentable 3D Printed Homes Made of Recycled Plastic Coming to California
An Open-Sourced Robot Fish Can Help Reduce the Amount of Plastic Pollution from Water | Analytics Insight
3D Printed Electroactive Plastics Give Life to Haptic VR Glove - 3D Printing
Stemming the Plastic Tide: 10 Rivers Contribute Most of the Plastic in the Oceans - Scientific American
Could Plastic Pollution Be Our Climate Saviour? | by Will Lockett | Predict | Medium
La pollution plastique a causé une nouvelle maladie chez ces oiseaux, la « plasticosis » - Numerama
Scientists make 'disturbing' find on remote island: plastic rocks
Le temps s’inverse dans le verre et le plastique... Les matériaux peuvent-ils vraiment rajeunir ? - Science et vie
Biodegradation of polyethylene by the marine fungus Parengyodontium album - ScienceDirect
Study identifies fungus that breaks down ocean plastic
Related to SOURCES (MTags)
Top 10 Emerging Technologies 2019
Fate of plastic (The)
Recycling rate of paper is almost double than plastic
Multinationationales qui déversent le plus de déchets plastiques dans la nature
Branded : 5 years of holding corporate plastic polluters accountable
River Plastic Pollution Sources • The Ocean Cleanup
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