Futur Immediat!
Forecasts, predictions & projections
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MIT Researchers Create a Tool for Predicting the Future
Elon Musk Declares Intent To Put Man On Mars In ‘Five Years’ | The Daily Caller
5 predictions for space in 2021 - BBC Sky at Night Magazine
Machine learning prediction of critical transition and system collapse
Bruno Colmant, Ph.D., CFA, FRM on LinkedIn: Je l'avais écrit dans un article publié dans l'Echo, en septembre | 28 comments
Our Techno-Utopian Future: Fallacies and Predictions | David Leo Veksler
Le Jour où la Chine va gagner. La fin de la suprématie américaine - Futuribles - Veille, prospective, stratégie
Researchers Create AI-Based Brain Age Prediction Model - Unite.AI
Pentagon using AI to predict future for 'days of advanced warning' on attacks on sensitive sites | Daily Mail Online
Here's What the World Will Look Like in 2030 ... Right?
Google's DeepMind AI Predicts 3D Structure of Nearly Every Protein Known to Science - CNET
Korea designs AI-based precision medicine technology for immunotherapy response
Climat. Les côtes d’Israël menacées par l’élévation du niveau de la mer : “Les prévisions se sont aggravées”
Scientists will be living on the moon by 2030, says Nasa | News | The Times
Selon le directeur du programme Orion,... - Trust My Science
A Prophecy of Evil: Tolkien, Lewis, and Technocratic Nihilism
The Future of AI: Bold Predictions and Exciting Opportunities | Dec 2022 | Medium
101 Things That Can Be Different In The Future: #8 Leaders | by Eva Tomas Casado | Predict | Medium
2023 Predictions: Innovations In Immersive Tech To Watch | by Katherine Jacoby | Dec, 2022 | Medium
5 Predictions For Generative AI in 2023 | by Paul DelSignore | Predict | Dec, 2022 | Medium
10 AI Predictions For 2023
En 2025, les algues feront rouler une voiture sur cinq
Une IA a prédit les 63 résultats des 63 matchs de la Coupe du monde ? Pas si vite - Numerama
Three predictions on the Metaverse in 2023 you haven’t read yet | by Dirk Songuer | Dec, 2022 | Medium
The future of UX: trends and predictions | by Arnold Lynx | Dec, 2022 | Bootcamp
Artificial intelligence can potentially predict a patient’s response to cancer treatment
23 Predictions for 2023. From the TikTok bans to Deepfakes, it’s… | by Adrien Book | Predict | Jan, 2023 | Medium
The Genetic Algorithm That Revealed My Possible Babies | by Rachel Lehmann-Haupt | NEO.LIFE | Medium
Autonomous delivery robots: ‘In the next 2-3 years you’re going to see them in every major city in the country,’ Serve Robotics CEO
2023 State of UX - And Predictions | R Before D
2023 State of UX - And Predictions | R Before D
This economist won every bet he made on the future. Then he tested ChatGPT | ChatGPT | The Guardian
This new AI-powered computer model can predict dangerous solar storms | Space
10 Worldwide Predictions For the Next 20 Years | by Aure's Notes | Apr, 2023 | DataDrivenInvestor
The pendulum swings: predicting design’s next move | by David Kelly | Product Design Community | Jul, 2023 | Medium
The global oxygen budget and its future projection - ScienceDirect
The future of food: what we’ll eat in 2028 | BBC Science Focus Magazine
What does the future of food look like in 2050? - Steakholder Foods
The future of food: What will you be eating in 2050?
Future foods: What you could be eating by 2050 - BBC News
Five Key Principles for Crafting Engaging and Effective Forecasts | by Institute For The Future | Foresight Matters | Aug, 2023 | Medium
Energy Experts are Hilariously Bad at Forecasting Solar Installations
Predictions About the Future That Were Dead Wrong | Reader's Digest
Funny Future Predictions of the Year 2000 Created in 1900
Predictions of the year 2000, according to the 1900s - PLAIN Magazine
Visions of the Year 2000 · Avaunt Magazine
120 ans d'alertes
Le CEO de Tesla annonce une pénurie mondiale de l'électricité à cette date
12 Unusual Predictions for 2024. From India to LA, it’s going to be a… | by Adrien Book | Predict | Medium
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La bonne prévision n'est pas celle qui se réalise, mais celle qui pousse à l'action
M. Godet
There’s no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share.
I think there is a world market for maybe five computers
Remote shopping, while entirely feasible, will flop
A-Z filter