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Engie va générer du carburant de synthèse à partir du CO2 d'ArcelorMittal à Dunkerque | Les EchosElon Musk Says SpaceX Is Going to Start Sucking CO2 Out of the Air and Turning It Into Rocket FuelCarburant idéal d'un futur propre, l'hélium 3 est dix fois plus abondant sur Terre que prévuAvio has successfully tested the new M10 liquid methane and liquid oxygen engine - SpaceNewsThis nanomaterial can produce clean energy hydrogen fuel from seawater | by Faisal Khan | Technicity | MediumHuge nuclear fusion breakthrough doubles fuel usage, increasing outputNuclear Fusion Is Already Facing a Fuel Crisis | WIRED UKSpaceX Rocket Fumes “Hazardous to Humans” and the Climate, Scientists WarnL'Europe remplacera progressivement le kérosène des avions par des carburants verts | Les EchosLos Angeles veut interdir les stations essence pour sauver la planèteNew nuclear fuel could replace uranium in reactorsLinde launches ‘world’s first’ H2 refuelling system for passenger trains | News | gasworldLamborghini believes synthetic fuels could be an alternative to going electricElon Musk Says SpaceX Is Going to Start Sucking CO2 Out of the Air and Turning It Into Rocket FuelSpaceX se fait du souci face à la pénurie d'oxygène liquide pour ses tirs de fuséeL'ammoniac vert : le carburant méconnu et neutre en émissions qui connaîtra un grand essor à l'avenirScaling algae for carbon capture and biofuels | Boss MagazineSolar-Powered Tower Makes Carbon-Neutral Jet Fuel Using Just CO2, Water, And SunlightHydrogène en poudre : cette invention a tout pour devenir le carburant du futurRolls-Royce, Hyundai Motor join hands to fly fuel-cell aircraft in the air by 2025 — TFNScientists Develop Futuristic Jet Fuel By Using Water, Sunlight and CO2Stratom’s RAPID Autonomous Refueling Holds Promise for UAVs | Commercial UAV NewsCars could soon ‘run on thin air’ thanks to hydrogen breakthroughScientists Just Made Hydrogen Fuel With Nothing But Air and Solar PowerThis jet fuel was made by sucking carbon out of the air. It could power your flights by 2024Porsche lance officiellement la production de son carburant synthétique neutre en carboneEnergie. Le Chili produit ses premiers litres d'essence de synthèsegreen Hydrogen: Inside the global race to turn water into fuel - The Economic TimesFrontiers | Editorial: Design and construction of microbial cell factories for the production of fuels and chemicalsSolar-powered technology converts CO2 and water into liquid fuelsLes combustibles de la fusion
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