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New Russian Drone Weapons Threaten Ukraine’s Air Defenses And TanksUkraine Unveils Indigenous Stealth Attack DroneRussia-Ukraine Conflict Prompted U.S. to Develop Autonomous Drone Swarms, 1,000-Mile Cannon - Scientific AmericanAmerican Spy Agencies Are Struggling in the Age of Data | WIREDUS Military Announces Plans for Satellite Orbiting the MoonUkraine's Punisher Drones Hit Russian Troops Multiple Times: ReportsIsrael Shows The F-35’s First Aerial Kill In Newly Declassified VideoElite Ukrainian Drone Pilots Are Reportedly Making All the DifferenceRussia's Killer Drone in Ukraine Raises Fears About AI in WarfareL'intelligence artificielle gagne ses dogfights contre des pilotes humainsL'armée américaine valide l’utilisation de l’IA pour assister les pilotesUn cloud européen : usine à gaz électoraliste ou nouvelle gouvernance? The US military is using video games and esports to recruit – it's downright immoral | The Independent | The IndependentE-sport : avec le projet LNX, l’armée française se lance dans les jeux vidéoLa Chine a testé un planeur orbital hypersonique à capacité nucléaire - Zone MilitaireThe military wants AI to replace human decision-making in battleUS Space Force Will Use 'Digital Twin' to Model Collisions - ExtremeTechIsrael Just Used Fully AI Controlled Drone Swarms in a World FirstApple cancels preexisting military drone Pentagon contract after acquiring AI companyNew Military Tech Lets One Person Fly Swarm of 130 DronesYoung Innovator is building a World Without Landmines with Explosives-eliminating AI DronesVoyage dans le temps, trous de ver, univers parallèles: les étranges recherches du PentagoneLa marine américaine va entamer les essais de son sous-marin autonome Orca XLUUV - Zone MilitairePentagon chooses design for ‘Project Pele’ portable nuclear reactor prototypeThe UK is investing in small military recon drones | Popular ScienceUS military's robot dogs can swim with this tail accessoryThe Artificial Intelligence Used In Warfare Is More Deadly Than The Atomic Bomb. Here Are X Examples Of How It Is Already An Instrument Of Devastation In Ukraine | by Nico Nobili | Inspirational Technology | Jun, 2022 | MediumLe plan du Pentagone pour développer une « IA militaire responsable »Why business is booming for military AI startups  | MIT Technology ReviewNasa to crash $330m spacecraft into asteroid to see if impact can alter courseDépenses militaire par pays 2019Pentagon using AI to predict future for 'days of advanced warning' on attacks on sensitive sites | Daily Mail OnlineThe Navy Reportedly Experimented With a "Spacetime Modification Weapon"How to Livestream NASA Smashing an Asteroid to Test Planetary Defense PlanDARPA to develop next-gen military VTOL demonstratorLa Turquie dévoile son nouveau drone supersonique, le Bayraktar KizilelmaDes avions chinois et américains orbitent autour de la terre de façon mystérieuseCould soldiers control weapons with their brains? | Popular ScienceSpaceX’s New Project Is A Middle Finger To Putin | by Will Lockett | Dec, 2022 | MediumIntelligence artificielle: Les drones de combat autonomes suscitent l’inquiétude - Le MatinArmy "Telepathically" Controls Robot Dogs In Eerie Video | IFLScienceThe next arms race: China leverages AI for edge in future warsConclusions on Modern Military Failures in Innovation (Part 5 of 5) | by Ben Zweibelson, PhD | Apr, 2023 | MediumAn Inquiry into Why Militaries are Terrible at Innovation: “Innovation begins not in the pragmatic and known, but the fantastic and weird” (Part 2 of 5) | by Ben Zweibelson, PhD | Apr, 2023 | MediumAn Inquiry into Why Militaries are Terrible at Innovation: “Beating a Dead Horse: How Institutions Perpetuate Concepts into Irrelevance” (Part 3 of 5) | by Ben Zweibelson, PhD | Apr, 2023 | MediumConverging and Diverging Iteratively: An Inquiry into Why Militaries are Terrible at Innovation (Part 4 of 5) | by Ben Zweibelson, PhD | Apr, 2023 | MediumAn Inquiry into Why Militaries are Terrible at Innovation (Part 1 of 5) | by Ben Zweibelson, PhD | Apr, 2023 | MediumThe Rise of A.I. Fighter Pilots | The New YorkerL'US Air Force teste le drone de combat furtif XQ-58A Valkyrie et veut construire 2000 aéronefs autonomes
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