Futur Immediat!
Sub categories
Related to NEWS (mTags)
The human brain doubled in power, very suddenly, 200,000 years ago. Why? - Big Think
How Virtual Reality Became a Reality - YouTube
The history of VR - YouTube
History of Virtual Reality - Reality Check - YouTube
History of VR - Timeline of Events and Tech Development
History Of Virtual Reality - Virtual Reality Society
The History of Augmented Reality: A Pocket Guide | Toptal
A brief history of Augmented Reality - Numerized
A Brief History of Augmented Reality (+Future Trends & Impact)
Augmented Reality – The Past, The Present and The Future | Interaction Design Foundation (IxDF)
Grotte Mandrin : une dent bouleverse l'histoire de Sapiens - Sciences et Avenir
The State of Reality: Part I, A Brief History of Augmented and Virtual Reality | CrossComm
A Brief History of AR & VR in Healthcare & Peek into Future with Mixed Reality | LinkedIn
The History of AR VR and MR and Build of Technology | AVT Simulation
A Brief History of Virtual and Augmented Reality (and Where It’s Going)
The Mainstreaming of Augmented Reality: A Brief History
2020 en image
Covid-19: The history of pandemics - BBC Future
Researchers Have a Controversial New Hypothesis For How Civilization First Started
Les sanctions contre la Russie marquent la fin de la mondialisation
La véritable histoire de la cryptomonnaie Dogecoin
How Did Private Property Start?
2,000 Years of Economic History in One Chart
A Brief History of CO2 Emissions – UCLAB – FH Potsdam
Les rayons X ont percé le secret du béton romain millénaire pour lutter contre le changement climatique
Did the Medieval Church Suppress Science? - BahaiTeachings.org
Technology in the Middle Ages - The Finer Times
Middle-Ages Science - Medieval Period - History of Science
Greatest Scientists in the Middle Ages | Mental Itch
Top 10 Inventions of the Middle Ages - Listverse
The myth of the anti-science Middle Ages - UnHerd
Timeline | The Storage Engine | Computer History Museum
Evolution of virtual reality
How "big history" can help historians imagine the future - Big Think
Histomap: Visualizing the 4,000 Year History of Global Power
The History of Every iPhone Model from 2007–2022
Internet History 1962 to 1992 | Internet History | Computer History Museum
Computer history timelines
Computer history - Sixconet99
U of U Computer History Timeline on Behance
Timeline - important points in computer history — stackup
Computer - Wikipedia
Computers | Timeline of Computer History | Computer History Museum
History of computers: A brief timeline | Live Science
History of Computers: Parts, Networking, Operating Systems, FAQs
The Evolution of Mainframe Computers
History of the World Wide Web - Wikipedia
Internet history timeline: ARPANET to the World Wide Web | Live Science
Web Design History Timeline 1995-1997 | Web Design Museum
Une petite histoire de l’UX | Le bloc-notes, UX & Design d'expérience utilisateur
What is The History of UX Design? A Brief Timeline
A brief history of UX design and its evolution
The History of User Experience Design | by Marcin Treder | Medium
A 100-Year View of User Experience (by Jakob Nielsen)
A Short History of User Experience - UXeria.com
Q052 | Comment éclairer la stratégie d’entreprise à la lumière du passé... et du futur ? - L'atelier des futurs
Les 7 robots qui ont transformé l'histoire de la robotique
An Evolutionary Timeline of Homo Sapiens | Science | Smithsonian Magazine
Ancient Olympia to be digitally preserved - BBC News
The History and Mainstream Adoption of Augmented Reality: What will Web3 Bring to that Table? | by Lara Assi | The Round Live | Dec, 2022 | Medium
The Future of AI, According to Human History | by Alan Trapulionis | Dec, 2022 | Medium
Les IA génératives sont-elles le fruit du plus grand piratage d’œuvres d’art de l’histoire ?
The History of Artificial Intelligence | by Case Muller | Mar, 2023 | Medium
How the Internet Was Created. Who, What, When, Where & How? | by Hayden McLeod | Mar, 2023 | Medium
The coast-to-coast road trip is 120 years old - Big Think
Water Conflict Chronology Timeline List
A.I. Imagery May Destroy History As We Know It | PetaPixel
Une IA a décodé un "livre perdu" d'il y a 2.000 ans décrivant la vie après Alexandre le Grand - Geo.fr
Ancient Rome Did Not Fall: Why Real Story is Even Scarier for America and How It Connects to Billionaires | by Barry Gander | Medium
The pendulum swings: predicting design’s next move | by David Kelly | Product Design Community | Jul, 2023 | Medium
Three Historic Climate Events and What They Teach Us | by George J. Ziogas | Engage | Jul, 2023 | Medium
Cette IA traduit instantanément des textes vieux de 5 000 ans !
Les images générées par IA et le risque de réécrire l’histoire
History of water supply and sanitation - Wikipedia
A Brief History of Water and Health from Ancient Civilizations to Modern Times | IWA Publishing
Domestic Water Use Grew 600% Over the Past 50 Years | World Resources Institute
Water history for our times - UNESCO Digital Library
Understanding Customers through their Water Use History
A Familiar History of Water and Population Growth | EARTH 111: Water: Science and Society
History of Drought & Water Consumption - DEP
Scientists Have an Audacious Plan to Map the Ancient World Before It Disappears | WIRED
Key Breakthroughs 100 Years Ago
Histoire universelle - États-nations : une exception historique - Herodote.net
Combien d'êtres humains ont vécu au total ? L'Humanité du passé et du futur
5 droughts that changed human history | World Economic Forum
Related to SOURCES (MTags)
Homo Sapiens
Temps de parcours France carrosse et diligence
2000 years of economic history in one chart
Evolution of Virtual Reality by 2025
Europe in 1444
Evolution of alphabet
Pire année de l’histoire (La)
Exponential history overview
The thinking machine, a history of AI
Electricité, histoire d’une révolution
Explore this Fascinating Map of Medieval Europe in 1444
Mankind’s 3 waves, 3 paces
Timeline: The 30-Year History of the World Wide Web
History of innovation cycles (the)
No future : Cyberpunk
Life expectancy trough the ages
Related to PEOPLE (Tags)
Yuval Noah Harari
A-Z filter
Internet early concept
8-bit byte standard
Apple II
World Wide Web
Web Origins
The Web goes public, early growth
Open standards, going global
The web as platform, ubiquity
Network email
Apple Computers is created
USENET (internet newsgroup forums)
HTML is developped
1st audio and video on internet
600 websites
HTML 3.2
Microsoft has to allow internet software from Windows to be removed
Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone
Facebook : 400 millions users
PHP 1.0
Opera 1.0
The term ‘user experience’
Batman Forever website
Internet Explorer 1.0
Netscape Navigator 2.0
FrontPage 1.0
HTML 2.0
Adobe Pagemill 1.0
JavaScript 1.0
Internet Archives
JScript 1.0
ASP 1.0
Leonardo da Vinci depict inventions, one of them mechanical calculator and programmable robots
Sazam App is launched
CSS 1.0
Adobe Photoshop 1.0
Archie - the first search engine
WorldWideWeb – the first browser
Line mode browser
World Wide Web Virtual Library
Tim Berners-Lee created the first website
Tim Berners-Lee published a document called HTML Tags
HTML 0.9
The first web server in the USA
BBEdit HTML and text editor
Les Horribles Cernettes, one of the first image on the Web
Veronica search engine
Mosaic 1.0
1st HTML validator
Mosaic Netscape 0.9
1st web banner
Macromedia Flash 1.0
Netflix is founded
Netscape Communicator 4.0
Internet Explorer 4.0
Dreamweaver 1.0
W3C HTML Validator
HTML 4.0
A List Appart
XML 1.0
Design is kinky
Macromedia Fireworks 1.0
AdobeImageReady 1.0
Box Acid test
Apple acquires Shazam
Internet Explorer 5.0
Web 2.0
WACG 1.0
Adobe Photoshop 5.5
2Advanced Studios
Jakob Nielsen published a book Designing Web Usability: The Practice of Simplicity
PHP 4.0 and Zend Engine
Deviant Art
Macromedia Flash 5.0 and ActionScript 1.0
Requiem for a Dream
Steve Krug published a book Don't Make Me Think
Media Queries
Internet Explorer 6.0
SVG 1.0
Wayback Machine
Audi.com, the first partially “responsive” website
Box Model Hack
Mozilla 1.0
RSS 2.0
CSS Zen Garden
Jeffrey Zeldman published Designing with Web Standards
Wordpress 0.7
Safari 1.0
Macromedia Flash MX 2004 and ActionScript 2.0
CSS Sprites
Mozilla Firefox 1.0
Opera Mini
Million Dollar Homepage
Google Analytics
Adobe purchase Macromedia
Smashing Magazine
Sass 0.1.0
Behance Network 1.0
CSS Grid
Google Chrome
WACG 2.0
Facebook like button
Less 1.0
CSS Flexible Box Layout
CSS Awards
Zune Media Player and Flat Design
WOFF 1.0
Google Web Fonts
Responsive Web Design
Sketch 1.0
Flat design and windows phone 7
Stylus 0.0.1, by TJ Holowaychuk
Bootstrap 1
Media Queries
Bootstrap 3
Material Design
Microsoft Edge
Adobe announced termination of Flash
Feng Shui and the importance of space
Napier moveable rods calculator
Gottfrield Leibniz : Calculus
Tabulating Machine
Mechanical counting machine
Precursor of digital computer
Punch tape binary computer
Atanasoft-Berry computer prototype
Toyota and the value of human input
Forerunner of RAM
Pilot ACE and theory of keyboard/screen interface
The baby (Digital CRT storage)
1sdt electronic computer in Japan and Alan Turing publish paper helpingbuild the Turing test
1st business computer
IBM 701
Optical Fiber
1st integrated circuit
Theory of survivability of communication systems under nuclear attack
1st industrial robot
1st computer game : Spacewar
Computer mouse
Walt Disney, the first service designer?
Introduction of dynamic RAM
Pocket calculator and floppy disk
Portable computers
Microsoft is founded
Queen El II sends her first email
500 000 computers in use in the USA
50 known web servers
Computer clock
1st automatic machine
Binary system is perfected
2d computing machine
Prototype of the semi automatic weaving war
Semi-automatic weaving war
Electricity kite expiriment
Semi automatic weaving war (pretend the fist) TO DOUBLE CHECC W/ 1725
Continuous electricity
Mechanical computer
Laws of tought, foudnations of bolean algebra, mathematical logic
Boolean algebra introduced ion USA
Incandescent filament bulb
1st power generation station
Taylorism and the quest for workspace efficiency
Alan Turing cars
1st digital electornic computer
The term computer bug
Control Data (CDC) is founded
1st transistor
Clays CDC 6600
Forerunner to modern formal language theory
Ancient Greeks and ergonomics
Innovations in 1922
Alan Turing develop Colossus, the Enigma machine killer
Henry Dreyfuss and the art of designing for people
Henry Dreyfuss and the art of designing for people
Xerox, Apple and the PC era
Mondothèque (concept)
Seymore Crey the father of supercomputers
Tandy TRS-80 and Commodre Pet
Surfing the web
Big bang
Stars and planets
IBM is created