News about food
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2021
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2021
CRISPR Crops Are Here. Foods genetically edited using CRISPR… | by proto.life | proto.life | Sep, 2023 | Medium
CRISPR Crops Are Here. Foods genetically edited using CRISPR… | by proto.life | proto.life | Sep, 2023 | Medium
Coca Cola AI generated drink: Coca-Cola creates new soda flavor using AI
Coca Cola AI generated drink: Coca-Cola creates new soda flavor using AI
Demand for chocolate causes more illegal deforestation than people realise
Demand for chocolate causes more illegal deforestation than people realise
Managing water, energy and food security in times of geopolitical turmoil - ECDPM
Managing water, energy and food security in times of geopolitical turmoil - ECDPM
What is the future of food and farming - OECD
What is the future of food and farming - OECD
Future foods: What you could be eating by 2050 - BBC News
Future foods: What you could be eating by 2050 - BBC News
The future of food: What will you be eating in 2050?
The future of food: What will you be eating in 2050?
What does the future of food look like in 2050? - Steakholder Foods
What does the future of food look like in 2050? - Steakholder Foods
The future of food: what we’ll eat in 2028 | BBC Science Focus Magazine
The future of food: what we’ll eat in 2028 | BBC Science Focus Magazine
Comment nourrir 8 milliards d'humains (de manière durable) ? - YouTube
Comment nourrir 8 milliards d'humains (de manière durable) ? - YouTube
Will the food industry rely on insects in the future? | by Furkan Ceylan | Feb, 2023 | Medium
Will the food industry rely on insects in the future? | by Furkan Ceylan | Feb, 2023 | Medium
A new AI-powered platform is about to change the way we shop for food | Evening Standard
A new AI-powered platform is about to change the way we shop for food | Evening Standard
Why Is the World Facing a Food Crisis? | The Development Podcast
Why Is the World Facing a Food Crisis? | The Development Podcast
2021 Revealed the Fragility of Food Systems - World | ReliefWeb
2021 Revealed the Fragility of Food Systems - World | ReliefWeb
The food systems that will feed Mars could transform food on Earth
The food systems that will feed Mars could transform food on Earth
From food processing to oceans, Sentient Labs has a robotic solution for all firms
From food processing to oceans, Sentient Labs has a robotic solution for all firms
NASA's unusual experiment will plant potatoes on Mars
NASA's unusual experiment will plant potatoes on Mars
Samsung's New AI-Powered Oven Will Tell You If Your Food Burns
Samsung's New AI-Powered Oven Will Tell You If Your Food Burns
Use of drones for food delivery in the future | by Dhananjay Garg | Predict | Dec, 2022 | Medium
Use of drones for food delivery in the future | by Dhananjay Garg | Predict | Dec, 2022 | Medium
This robot will soon deliver food from airport restaurants to your gate | The Financial Express
This robot will soon deliver food from airport restaurants to your gate | The Financial Express
How AR Food Delivery is Changing the Food Industry | by Lana Shevchenko | Nov, 2022 | AR/VR Journey: Augmented & Virtual Reality Magazine
How AR Food Delivery is Changing the Food Industry | by Lana Shevchenko | Nov, 2022 | AR/VR Journey: Augmented & Virtual Reality Magazine
L’obésité chez les jeunes touche davantage les milieux populaires
L’obésité chez les jeunes touche davantage les milieux populaires
A.I.-driven robots are cooking your dinner | Fortune
A.I.-driven robots are cooking your dinner | Fortune
Is tech the answer to climate change and the food crisis? | World Economic Forum
Is tech the answer to climate change and the food crisis? | World Economic Forum
3D printed fish: Israeli startup's plant-based salmons saves fish population thanks to 3D printing
3D printed fish: Israeli startup's plant-based salmons saves fish population thanks to 3D printing
Tiny pink robots are making food and coffee deliveries in Charlotte - TOI News - TOI.News
Tiny pink robots are making food and coffee deliveries in Charlotte - TOI News - TOI.News
Agro-alimentaire : les usines passent en économie de guerre | Les Echos
Agro-alimentaire : les usines passent en économie de guerre | Les Echos
Ukraine-Russie : la guerre peut-elle provoquer une famine mondiale ?
Ukraine-Russie : la guerre peut-elle provoquer une famine mondiale ?
The Entire Food Chain Has Started Collapsing, Scientists Warn
The Entire Food Chain Has Started Collapsing, Scientists Warn
Chinese Astronauts Successfully Grow Rice Seedlings on New Space Station
Chinese Astronauts Successfully Grow Rice Seedlings on New Space Station
These Stanford Engineers Built a Fully Autonomous Restaurant in San Francisco That Could Make Your Lunch Cheaper - NewsBreak
These Stanford Engineers Built a Fully Autonomous Restaurant in San Francisco That Could Make Your Lunch Cheaper - NewsBreak
NASA's idea for making food from thin air just became a reality — it could feed billions
NASA's idea for making food from thin air just became a reality — it could feed billions
Forget Sidewalk Robots or Drones. In the Future, Food Could Travel to Your Home in Underground Pipes
Forget Sidewalk Robots or Drones. In the Future, Food Could Travel to Your Home in Underground Pipes
Want to save the planet? Eat protein from mushrooms and algae instead of red meat | Adrienne Matei | The Guardian
Want to save the planet? Eat protein from mushrooms and algae instead of red meat | Adrienne Matei | The Guardian
Les images satellites n'augurent rien de bon pour la récolte mondiale de blé... sauf en Russie et en Chine - Business AM - Infos économiques et financières
Les images satellites n'augurent rien de bon pour la récolte mondiale de blé... sauf en Russie et en Chine - Business AM - Infos économiques et financières
Foodora to start flying food to beach customers in Sweden using drones - Urban Air Mobility News
Foodora to start flying food to beach customers in Sweden using drones - Urban Air Mobility News
University Student Invents Solar Panels Made From Food Waste That Produce Energy Even Through Cloudy Weather
University Student Invents Solar Panels Made From Food Waste That Produce Energy Even Through Cloudy Weather
« L’origine de la crise alimentaire n’est pas la guerre en Ukraine, mais bien la fragilité d’un système industrialisé »
« L’origine de la crise alimentaire n’est pas la guerre en Ukraine, mais bien la fragilité d’un système industrialisé »
Former SpaceX scientists create fully automated pizza truck
Former SpaceX scientists create fully automated pizza truck
New Artificial Photosynthesis Method Grows Food With No Sunshine
New Artificial Photosynthesis Method Grows Food With No Sunshine
Revo Foods’ First 3D-Printed Vegan Salmon Filets Will Launch in Stores in 2023 | VegNews
Revo Foods’ First 3D-Printed Vegan Salmon Filets Will Launch in Stores in 2023 | VegNews
Pourquoi la Chine stocke massivement des denrées alimentaires : l'un de ses principaux greniers à céréales risque de perdre sa fertilité 
Pourquoi la Chine stocke massivement des denrées alimentaires : l'un de ses principaux greniers à céréales risque de perdre sa fertilité
811 million hungry must not become a forgotten crisis, says Plan International - World | ReliefWeb
811 million hungry must not become a forgotten crisis, says Plan International - World | ReliefWeb
Plus de 60 % des Turcs ne consomment plus de viande
Plus de 60 % des Turcs ne consomment plus de viande
Productrice majeure de blé, la Russie va reconstituer ses stocks
Productrice majeure de blé, la Russie va reconstituer ses stocks
Engrais : une crise alimentaire mondiale semble inévitable | National Geographic
Engrais : une crise alimentaire mondiale semble inévitable | National Geographic
Remy Robotics exits stealth mode with launch of third autonomous robotic kitchen | Docoh
Remy Robotics exits stealth mode with launch of third autonomous robotic kitchen | Docoh
La plus grande crise alimentaire de l'histoire arrive - Contrepoints
La plus grande crise alimentaire de l'histoire arrive - Contrepoints
DARPA Plans to Make Replicators for Real | FedTech Magazine
DARPA Plans to Make Replicators for Real | FedTech Magazine
The banks collapsed in 2008 – and our food system is about to do the same | George Monbiot | The Guardian
The banks collapsed in 2008 – and our food system is about to do the same | George Monbiot | The Guardian
L’Afrique affamée par la spéculation sur les céréales
L’Afrique affamée par la spéculation sur les céréales
L'Inde suspend ses exportations de blé, le G7 s'inquiète d'une crise alimentaire aggravée | Le HuffPost
L'Inde suspend ses exportations de blé, le G7 s'inquiète d'une crise alimentaire aggravée | Le HuffPost
Le fabricant de matériels agricoles AGCO victime d'un ransomware, des usines à l'arrêt
Le fabricant de matériels agricoles AGCO victime d'un ransomware, des usines à l'arrêt
Would you trust a robot chef? This innovative one can 'taste' food to prepare it exactly as you like it! - Study Finds
Would you trust a robot chef? This innovative one can 'taste' food to prepare it exactly as you like it! - Study Finds
Scientists Say Key to Feeding World May Be Human Urine
Scientists Say Key to Feeding World May Be Human Urine
'The Future of Dining': Chili's Expands Robot Servers to 61 Total Restaurants » Dallas Innovates
'The Future of Dining': Chili's Expands Robot Servers to 61 Total Restaurants » Dallas Innovates
L'Indonésie suspend toutes ses exportations d'huile de palme
L'Indonésie suspend toutes ses exportations d'huile de palme
Starship’s robot food delivery service launches Tennessee university
Starship’s robot food delivery service launches Tennessee university
Food after oil: how urban farmers are preparing us for a self-sufficient future | Cities | The Guardian
Food after oil: how urban farmers are preparing us for a self-sufficient future | Cities | The Guardian
You’ve probably never heard of CGIAR, but they are essential to feeding our future | Bill Gates
You’ve probably never heard of CGIAR, but they are essential to feeding our future | Bill Gates
Regenerative ocean farms: The future of food and fuel? | Future Explored by Freethink - YouTube
Regenerative ocean farms: The future of food and fuel? | Future Explored by Freethink - YouTube
The first robot burger chef in the world is slinging meat near NYC
The first robot burger chef in the world is slinging meat near NYC
Foodverse: World's First Food Metaverse Where NFTs Can buy Food IRL

Foodverse: World's First Food Metaverse Where NFTs Can buy Food IRL
CEO Says It’s Possible Nobody Will Eat Meat by 2035
CEO Says It’s Possible Nobody Will Eat Meat by 2035
NASA's idea for making food from thin air just became a reality — it could feed billions - Big Think
NASA's idea for making food from thin air just became a reality — it could feed billions - Big Think
Barbara Belvisi écrit sur Terre les prémices de l'agriculture spatiale
Barbara Belvisi écrit sur Terre les prémices de l'agriculture spatiale
A One-Time Poultry Farmer Invents the Future of Refrigeration | WIRED
A One-Time Poultry Farmer Invents the Future of Refrigeration | WIRED
Beijing Olympics Will Have Robot Waiters Delivering Dishes from the Ceiling | PEOPLE.com
Beijing Olympics Will Have Robot Waiters Delivering Dishes from the Ceiling | PEOPLE.com
Researchers develop new okara 3D printing method; Novameat 3D prints blue algae-based steak - 3D Printing Industry

Researchers develop new okara 3D printing method; Novameat 3D prints blue algae-based steak - 3D Printing Industry
This new 3D-printed fish fillet means vegans can have their hake and eat it
This new 3D-printed fish fillet means vegans can have their hake and eat it
Cambridge restaurant using robot to serve meals – Boston News, Weather, Sports | WHDH 7News
Cambridge restaurant using robot to serve meals – Boston News, Weather, Sports | WHDH 7News
How Meituan is redefining food delivery in China with drones
How Meituan is redefining food delivery in China with drones
Israel's SavorEat launches personalised plant-based 3D printed burgers - CNA
Israel's SavorEat launches personalised plant-based 3D printed burgers - CNA
Former SpaceX Employees Created an Automated Pizza Joint on Wheels - Thrillist
Former SpaceX Employees Created an Automated Pizza Joint on Wheels - Thrillist
Researchers use genetics to develop model for personalized diets
Researchers use genetics to develop model for personalized diets
Le monde confronté à une inquiétante flambée des prix du blé meunier
Le monde confronté à une inquiétante flambée des prix du blé meunier
Miso Robotics unveils ‘faster, more customizable’ burger-flipping robot
Miso Robotics unveils ‘faster, more customizable’ burger-flipping robot
Israeli alternative meat startup unveils 3D-printed steak
Israeli alternative meat startup unveils 3D-printed steak
California Factory Producing 50,000 Lbs of Lab Grown Meat Per Year
California Factory Producing 50,000 Lbs of Lab Grown Meat Per Year
SavorEat's robot chefs to cook meatless burgers for tech employees - The Jerusalem Post
SavorEat's robot chefs to cook meatless burgers for tech employees - The Jerusalem Post
CellX secures $4.3M to deliver 3D printed pork to China - 3D Printing Industry
CellX secures $4.3M to deliver 3D printed pork to China - 3D Printing Industry
Food, beer, toys, medical kit. Why is Britain running out of everything?
Food, beer, toys, medical kit. Why is Britain running out of everything?
Pourquoi nous mangerons tous des insectes en 2050 | Slate.fr
Pourquoi nous mangerons tous des insectes en 2050 | Slate.fr
Google Used Artificial Intelligence to Create Two New Mashup Desserts Based on Baking Search Data | Food & Wine
Google Used Artificial Intelligence to Create Two New Mashup Desserts Based on Baking Search Data | Food & Wine
Bill Gates-Backed New Meat Alternative Is Made Out of a Volcanic Microbe
Bill Gates-Backed New Meat Alternative Is Made Out of a Volcanic Microbe
Des serres spatiales pourraient-elles résoudre la crise alimentaire sur Terre?
Des serres spatiales pourraient-elles résoudre la crise alimentaire sur Terre?