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Warfare, conflicts, violence
Israël - Hamas
Ukraine - Russia
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Mine Kafon drones
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Google Disables Maps in Ukraine After It Revealed Troop Movements
Why Vladimir Putin has already lost this war | Yuval Noah Harari | The Guardian
What Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Could Possibly Mean for Climate Change | Climate Conscious
Ukraine’s Volunteer ‘IT Army’ Is Hacking in Uncharted Territory | WIRED
Une équipe de réaction rapide aux cyberattaques déployée dans toute l’Europe - Geeko
Weapons Tracing Study Implicates Russia in Ukraine Conflict - The New York Times
New Russian Drone Weapons Threaten Ukraine’s Air Defenses And Tanks
Ukraine Unveils Indigenous Stealth Attack Drone
Russia-Ukraine Conflict Prompted U.S. to Develop Autonomous Drone Swarms, 1,000-Mile Cannon - Scientific American
The first AI conflict? Israel's Gaza operation gives glimpse of future - Nikkei Asia
Israel's operation against Hamas was the world's first AI war - The Jerusalem Post
Ukraine's Punisher Drones Hit Russian Troops Multiple Times: Reports
BALLAST • Ukraine : le regard de Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky: US Military Escalation Against Russia Would Have No Victors
Israel Shows The F-35’s First Aerial Kill In Newly Declassified Video
Elite Ukrainian Drone Pilots Are Reportedly Making All the Difference
Russia's Killer Drone in Ukraine Raises Fears About AI in Warfare
Deepfake video shows Volodymyr Zelensky telling Ukrainians to surrender
Ukraine : Aerorozvidka, l'unité de geeks qui écrase les forces russes
The war in Ukraine is having major consequences in space
Une société française identifie les soldats russes en Ukraine par reconnaissance faciale
‘Mercenaries have skills armies lack’: former Wagner operative opens up | Russia | The Guardian
Conflit sino-américain : le quantique, nerf des guerres de demain ?
Tout savoir sur les drones Bayraktar TB2, maîtres du ciel en Ukraine et réputés redoutables
Guerre en Ukraine : la fonction « Localiser » d’Apple utilisée pour repérer les troupes russes
Apple cancels preexisting military drone Pentagon contract after acquiring AI company
Russia's Sandworm Hackers Attempted a Third Blackout in Ukraine | WIRED
Deep-Fake Information Warfare
Ukraine : satellites de renseignement, cyberattaques... La guerre se joue aussi dans l'espace
Le fabricant de matériels agricoles AGCO victime d'un ransomware, des usines à l'arrêt
Guerre en Ukraine : les sanctions obligent la Russie à recycler les semi-conducteurs d'appareils ménagers pour ses armes, selon les États-Unis
Assistons-nous à un génocide en Ukraine ? - Le Grand Continent
The Artificial Intelligence Used In Warfare Is More Deadly Than The Atomic Bomb. Here Are X Examples Of How It Is Already An Instrument Of Devastation In Ukraine | by Nico Nobili | Inspirational Technology | Jun, 2022 | Medium
« L’origine de la crise alimentaire n’est pas la guerre en Ukraine, mais bien la fragilité d’un système industrialisé »
Les guerres du futur : énergie, ADN… et si tout dérapait ? | Les Echos
La Russie brûle chaque jour l'équivalent de plusieurs millions d'euros en gaz destiné à l'Allemagne
Russian oil executive dies in fall from Moscow hospital window
The Long Peace... Is It Over?
Ukraine Holds the Future: The War Between Democracy and Nihilism
Ukraine : de faux profils de « femmes séduisantes » ont permis de piéger mortellement les soldats russes - Numerama
Guerre en Ukraine : les robots entrent en scène !
New Russian Weapon Is Designed to Unleash "Radioactive Tsunamis"
La Turquie dévoile son nouveau drone supersonique, le Bayraktar Kizilelma
Pour la troisième fois, la catastrophe s’annonce.
Ukraine-Russie : la guerre peut-elle provoquer une famine mondiale ?
Agro-alimentaire : les usines passent en économie de guerre | Les Echos
The Global Peace Index 2021 Reveals a Year of Civil Unrest
Medvedev raises spectre of Russian nuclear strike on Ukraine
Armes, aviation, blindés, têtes nucléaires… quel pays possède quoi ? (infographies)
Report: Russia Uses Low-tech Chips from the West, and This is Making Them Lose the War | SOFREP
"C'est contre-productif", "ça dessert la cause" : l'activisme est-il toujours efficace ?
Russian cyberattack on the EU Parliament signals the need for better security
Ukraine War: Germany 'Runs Low' On Ammunition & Is Critically Dependent On China To Restock Its Arsenal
Augmented reality, or augmented warfare? | by Enrique Dans | Enrique Dans | Jan, 2023 | Medium
Intelligence artificielle: Les drones de combat autonomes suscitent l’inquiétude - Le Matin
Water Conflict Chronology Timeline List
Editor’s Pick: 10 Violent Water Conflicts - World | ReliefWeb
Crisis in Africa: Future wars could be for water, not oil - India Today
Water and conflicts | SIWI - Leading expert in water governance
No, There Will Not Be a War for Water
The wars of the future will be fought over water not oil
An innovative approach to the assessment of hydro-political risk: A spatially explicit, data driven indicator of hydro-political issues - ScienceDirect
Where will the 'water wars' of the future be fought? | World Economic Forum
The water wars of the future are here today — USC News
How water shortages are brewing wars - BBC Future
The next arms race: China leverages AI for edge in future wars
Crise climatique : « Si on ne fait rien aujourd’hui, alors c’est une guerre mondiale généralisée qui nous attend dans 50 ans »
Water War: How a Life-Sustaining Resource Goes Geopolitical - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
The Rise of A.I. Fighter Pilots | The New Yorker
How Putin blundered into Ukraine — then doubled down | Financial Times
Climate Change Raises the Danger of Violence Toward Women | by Dr. Patricia Farrell | BeingWell | Jun, 2023 | Medium
China’s Space Program Through The Lens of Irregular Warfare Theory [Recommended Innovation Articles (and Commentary) #21] | by Ben Zweibelson, PhD | Apr, 2023 | Medium
Next Generation Air Force Jet Companion Drones | NextBigFuture.com
China Just Condemned Putin’s Ukraine Invasion | by Will Lockett | May, 2023 | Medium
China and India vote for UN resolution with a reference to Russia's 'aggression' against Ukraine | Euronews
Zelensky, le spectacle est terminé !
The peace since the end of WWII could be set to end | Daily Mail Online
The war in Ukraine could portend the end of the “long peace” - Vox
Are we in the middle of a long peace—or on the brink of a major war? | Science | AAAS
War May Be Closer Than We Think - Pacific Standard
Trends and fluctuations in the severity of interstate wars | Science Advances
Nothing unusual about 'the long peace' since WWII | BioFrontiers Institute | University of Colorado Boulder
The myth of the ‘Long Peace’ - Legion Magazine
Pinker explains ‘The Long Peace’ — Harvard Gazette
Related to SOURCES (MTags)
Ukraine Russia Crisis : Terrorism briefing
Global Peace Index 2022
Long peace (the)
Les Gilets jaunes et la violence
Eco terroriste, eco activisme
Dawn of killer robots
Robots tueurs : guerre 4.0
Future Wars: Will there be wars over water? - YouTube
Water Conflict Pathways and Peacebuilding strategies
Conflict and cooperation overwater. The role of the EU in ensuring the realisation of human rights
The Coming Conflicts over Water
Disputes and Conflicts over Water in Africa
Is the US Headed Towards Another Civil War? | Barbara F. Walter | TED - YouTube
Global Peace Index 2024
Related to PEOPLE (Tags)
Stan Brabant
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GRIP (Groupe de recherche et d’information sur la paix et la sécurité)
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War does not determine who is right - only who is left
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