Chinese Hackers Use Quantum Computer to Break Military Grade Encryption
Chinese Hackers Use Quantum Computer to Break Military Grade Encryption
The peace since the end of WWII could be set to end | Daily Mail Online
The peace since the end of WWII could be set to end | Daily Mail Online
The war in Ukraine could portend the end of the “long peace” - Vox
The war in Ukraine could portend the end of the “long peace” - Vox
War May Be Closer Than We Think - Pacific Standard
War May Be Closer Than We Think - Pacific Standard
Are we in the middle of a long peace—or on the brink of a major war? | Science | AAAS
Are we in the middle of a long peace—or on the brink of a major war? | Science | AAAS
Trends and fluctuations in the severity of interstate wars | Science Advances
Trends and fluctuations in the severity of interstate wars | Science Advances
Nothing unusual about 'the long peace' since WWII | BioFrontiers Institute | University of Colorado Boulder
Nothing unusual about 'the long peace' since WWII | BioFrontiers Institute | University of Colorado Boulder
The myth of the ‘Long Peace’ - Legion Magazine
The myth of the ‘Long Peace’ - Legion Magazine
Pinker explains ‘The Long Peace’ — Harvard Gazette
Pinker explains ‘The Long Peace’ — Harvard Gazette
23andMe User Data Stolen in Targeted Attack on Ashkenazi Jews | WIRED
23andMe User Data Stolen in Targeted Attack on Ashkenazi Jews | WIRED
Zelensky, le spectacle est terminé !
Zelensky, le spectacle est terminé !
Next Generation Air Force Jet Companion Drones |
Next Generation Air Force Jet Companion Drones |
L'US Air Force teste le drone de combat furtif XQ-58A Valkyrie et veut construire 2000 aéronefs autonomes
L'US Air Force teste le drone de combat furtif XQ-58A Valkyrie et veut construire 2000 aéronefs autonomes
L’inquiétante transformation des virus avec l’IA - Geeko
L’inquiétante transformation des virus avec l’IA - Geeko
The Rise of A.I. Fighter Pilots | The New Yorker
The Rise of A.I. Fighter Pilots | The New Yorker
Climate Change Raises the Danger of Violence Toward Women | by Dr. Patricia Farrell | BeingWell | Jun, 2023 | Medium
Climate Change Raises the Danger of Violence Toward Women | by Dr. Patricia Farrell | BeingWell | Jun, 2023 | Medium
L’espionnage des journalistes bientôt autorisé par une loi européenne ?
L’espionnage des journalistes bientôt autorisé par une loi européenne ?
China and India vote for UN resolution with a reference to Russia's 'aggression' against Ukraine | Euronews
China and India vote for UN resolution with a reference to Russia's 'aggression' against Ukraine | Euronews
China Just Condemned Putin’s Ukraine Invasion | by Will Lockett | May, 2023 | Medium
China Just Condemned Putin’s Ukraine Invasion | by Will Lockett | May, 2023 | Medium
Managing water, energy and food security in times of geopolitical turmoil - ECDPM
Managing water, energy and food security in times of geopolitical turmoil - ECDPM
Water War: How a Life-Sustaining Resource Goes Geopolitical - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Water War: How a Life-Sustaining Resource Goes Geopolitical - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
China’s Space Program Through The Lens of Irregular Warfare Theory [Recommended Innovation Articles (and Commentary) #21] | by Ben Zweibelson, PhD | Apr, 2023 | Medium
China’s Space Program Through The Lens of Irregular Warfare Theory [Recommended Innovation Articles (and Commentary) #21] | by Ben Zweibelson, PhD | Apr, 2023 | Medium
Converging and Diverging Iteratively: An Inquiry into Why Militaries are Terrible at Innovation (Part 4 of 5) | by Ben Zweibelson, PhD | Apr, 2023 | Medium
Converging and Diverging Iteratively: An Inquiry into Why Militaries are Terrible at Innovation (Part 4 of 5) | by Ben Zweibelson, PhD | Apr, 2023 | Medium
An Inquiry into Why Militaries are Terrible at Innovation: “Beating a Dead Horse: How Institutions Perpetuate Concepts into Irrelevance” (Part 3 of 5) | by Ben Zweibelson, PhD | Apr, 2023 | Medium
An Inquiry into Why Militaries are Terrible at Innovation: “Beating a Dead Horse: How Institutions Perpetuate Concepts into Irrelevance” (Part 3 of 5) | by Ben Zweibelson, PhD | Apr, 2023 | Medium
An Inquiry into Why Militaries are Terrible at Innovation: “Innovation begins not in the pragmatic and known, but the fantastic and weird” (Part 2 of 5) | by Ben Zweibelson, PhD | Apr, 2023 | Medium
An Inquiry into Why Militaries are Terrible at Innovation: “Innovation begins not in the pragmatic and known, but the fantastic and weird” (Part 2 of 5) | by Ben Zweibelson, PhD | Apr, 2023 | Medium
Conclusions on Modern Military Failures in Innovation (Part 5 of 5) | by Ben Zweibelson, PhD | Apr, 2023 | Medium
Conclusions on Modern Military Failures in Innovation (Part 5 of 5) | by Ben Zweibelson, PhD | Apr, 2023 | Medium
An Inquiry into Why Militaries are Terrible at Innovation (Part 1 of 5) | by Ben Zweibelson, PhD | Apr, 2023 | Medium
An Inquiry into Why Militaries are Terrible at Innovation (Part 1 of 5) | by Ben Zweibelson, PhD | Apr, 2023 | Medium
Tesla Driver Freaked Out After App Allows Him to Drive Off With the Wrong Car
Tesla Driver Freaked Out After App Allows Him to Drive Off With the Wrong Car
Thales réalise une première mondiale avec la prise de contrôle inédite d’un satellite de démonstration de l’ESA | Thales Group
Thales réalise une première mondiale avec la prise de contrôle inédite d’un satellite de démonstration de l’ESA | Thales Group
Les virus créés par ChatGPT font trembler les experts en sécurité
Les virus créés par ChatGPT font trembler les experts en sécurité
The next arms race: China leverages AI for edge in future wars
The next arms race: China leverages AI for edge in future wars
Crise climatique : « Si on ne fait rien aujourd’hui, alors c’est une guerre mondiale généralisée qui nous attend dans 50 ans »
Crise climatique : « Si on ne fait rien aujourd’hui, alors c’est une guerre mondiale généralisée qui nous attend dans 50 ans »
Water Conflict Chronology Timeline List
Water Conflict Chronology Timeline List
Editor’s Pick: 10 Violent Water Conflicts - World | ReliefWeb
Editor’s Pick: 10 Violent Water Conflicts - World | ReliefWeb
Crisis in Africa: Future wars could be for water, not oil - India Today
Crisis in Africa: Future wars could be for water, not oil - India Today
Water and conflicts | SIWI - Leading expert in water governance
Water and conflicts | SIWI - Leading expert in water governance
No, There Will Not Be a War for Water
No, There Will Not Be a War for Water
The wars of the future will be fought over water not oil
The wars of the future will be fought over water not oil
An innovative approach to the assessment of hydro-political risk: A spatially explicit, data driven indicator of hydro-political issues - ScienceDirect
An innovative approach to the assessment of hydro-political risk: A spatially explicit, data driven indicator of hydro-political issues - ScienceDirect
Where will the 'water wars' of the future be fought? | World Economic Forum
Where will the 'water wars' of the future be fought? | World Economic Forum
The water wars of the future are here today — USC News
The water wars of the future are here today — USC News
How water shortages are brewing wars - BBC Future
How water shortages are brewing wars - BBC Future
This new AI-powered computer model can predict dangerous solar storms | Space
This new AI-powered computer model can predict dangerous solar storms | Space
Army "Telepathically" Controls Robot Dogs In Eerie Video | IFLScience
Army "Telepathically" Controls Robot Dogs In Eerie Video | IFLScience
Hybrid Systems: AI and Humans Need Each Other for Effective Cybersecurity - Security Boulevard
Hybrid Systems: AI and Humans Need Each Other for Effective Cybersecurity - Security Boulevard
Robots tueurs : à quand un traité d’interdiction ? - Groupe de recherche et d'information sur la paix et la sécurité
Robots tueurs : à quand un traité d’interdiction ? - Groupe de recherche et d'information sur la paix et la sécurité
How Putin blundered into Ukraine — then doubled down | Financial Times
How Putin blundered into Ukraine — then doubled down | Financial Times
ADEO sail: ESA tests braking sail for quickly deorbiting small satellites
ADEO sail: ESA tests braking sail for quickly deorbiting small satellites
Intelligence artificielle: Les drones de combat autonomes suscitent l’inquiétude - Le Matin
Intelligence artificielle: Les drones de combat autonomes suscitent l’inquiétude - Le Matin
Augmented reality, or augmented warfare? | by Enrique Dans | Enrique Dans | Jan, 2023 | Medium
Augmented reality, or augmented warfare? | by Enrique Dans | Enrique Dans | Jan, 2023 | Medium
SpaceX’s New Project Is A Middle Finger To Putin | by Will Lockett | Dec, 2022 | Medium
SpaceX’s New Project Is A Middle Finger To Putin | by Will Lockett | Dec, 2022 | Medium
Robotic Technology to Put an End to Manual Scavenging
Robotic Technology to Put an End to Manual Scavenging
‘Bear-dar’: This tech uses AI to reduce the risk of dangerous polar bear encounters in the Arctic | Euronews
‘Bear-dar’: This tech uses AI to reduce the risk of dangerous polar bear encounters in the Arctic | Euronews
Ukraine War: Germany 'Runs Low' On Ammunition & Is Critically Dependent On China To Restock Its Arsenal
Ukraine War: Germany 'Runs Low' On Ammunition & Is Critically Dependent On China To Restock Its Arsenal
A Robot's View of AI in Cybersecurity - Security Boulevard
A Robot's View of AI in Cybersecurity - Security Boulevard
New Israeli Tech Could Use Light To Control Drugs - I24NEWS
New Israeli Tech Could Use Light To Control Drugs - I24NEWS
Could soldiers control weapons with their brains? | Popular Science
Could soldiers control weapons with their brains? | Popular Science
Russian cyberattack on the EU Parliament signals the need for better security
Russian cyberattack on the EU Parliament signals the need for better security
Artificial Intelligence software will help detect people with guns in SEPTA's subway trains, platforms in Philly | PhillyVoice
Artificial Intelligence software will help detect people with guns in SEPTA's subway trains, platforms in Philly | PhillyVoice
"C'est contre-productif", "ça dessert la cause" : l'activisme est-il toujours efficace ?
"C'est contre-productif", "ça dessert la cause" : l'activisme est-il toujours efficace ?
Login Security: 7 Best Practice for online security | LoginRadius Blog
Login Security: 7 Best Practice for online security | LoginRadius Blog
Top 5 Reasons to Use a Pre-Authentication Hook | OneLogin Developer Blog
Top 5 Reasons to Use a Pre-Authentication Hook | OneLogin Developer Blog
Armes, aviation, blindés, têtes nucléaires… quel pays possède quoi ? (infographies)
Armes, aviation, blindés, têtes nucléaires… quel pays possède quoi ? (infographies)
Report: Russia Uses Low-tech Chips from the West, and This is Making Them Lose the War | SOFREP
Report: Russia Uses Low-tech Chips from the West, and This is Making Them Lose the War | SOFREP
Agro-alimentaire : les usines passent en économie de guerre | Les Echos
Agro-alimentaire : les usines passent en économie de guerre | Les Echos
Medvedev raises spectre of Russian nuclear strike on Ukraine
Medvedev raises spectre of Russian nuclear strike on Ukraine
Pour la troisième fois, la catastrophe s’annonce.
Pour la troisième fois, la catastrophe s’annonce.
The Best Ways of Authentication. Current technology is always developing… | by Max Bessarabov | JetRuby Agency
The Best Ways of Authentication. Current technology is always developing… | by Max Bessarabov | JetRuby Agency
Ukraine-Russie : la guerre peut-elle provoquer une famine mondiale ?
Ukraine-Russie : la guerre peut-elle provoquer une famine mondiale ?
La Turquie dévoile son nouveau drone supersonique, le Bayraktar Kizilelma
La Turquie dévoile son nouveau drone supersonique, le Bayraktar Kizilelma
Apple's Passkeys Are a Big Step to a Passwordless Future
Apple's Passkeys Are a Big Step to a Passwordless Future
New Russian Weapon Is Designed to Unleash "Radioactive Tsunamis"
New Russian Weapon Is Designed to Unleash "Radioactive Tsunamis"
DARPA to develop next-gen military VTOL demonstrator
DARPA to develop next-gen military VTOL demonstrator
Ukraine Holds the Future: The War Between Democracy and Nihilism
Ukraine Holds the Future: The War Between Democracy and Nihilism
Ukraine : de faux profils de « femmes séduisantes » ont permis de piéger mortellement les soldats russes - Numerama
Ukraine : de faux profils de « femmes séduisantes » ont permis de piéger mortellement les soldats russes - Numerama
How to Livestream NASA Smashing an Asteroid to Test Planetary Defense Plan
How to Livestream NASA Smashing an Asteroid to Test Planetary Defense Plan
Nasa to crash $330m spacecraft into asteroid to see if impact can alter course
Nasa to crash $330m spacecraft into asteroid to see if impact can alter course
Dépenses militaire par pays 2019
Dépenses militaire par pays 2019
Russian oil executive dies in fall from Moscow hospital window
Russian oil executive dies in fall from Moscow hospital window
La Russie brûle chaque jour l'équivalent de plusieurs millions d'euros en gaz destiné à l'Allemagne
La Russie brûle chaque jour l'équivalent de plusieurs millions d'euros en gaz destiné à l'Allemagne
There’s a quantum crime spree coming — here’s how IBM plans to save us
There’s a quantum crime spree coming — here’s how IBM plans to save us
Why business is booming for military AI startups | MIT Technology Review
Why business is booming for military AI startups | MIT Technology Review
Le plan du Pentagone pour développer une « IA militaire responsable »
Le plan du Pentagone pour développer une « IA militaire responsable »
Neuromorphic computing chip could ‘smell’ explosives, narcotics, and diseases
Neuromorphic computing chip could ‘smell’ explosives, narcotics, and diseases
« L’origine de la crise alimentaire n’est pas la guerre en Ukraine, mais bien la fragilité d’un système industrialisé »
« L’origine de la crise alimentaire n’est pas la guerre en Ukraine, mais bien la fragilité d’un système industrialisé »
Greek blockchain specialists create genetic barcode to protect against olive oil fraud
Greek blockchain specialists create genetic barcode to protect against olive oil fraud
The Artificial Intelligence Used In Warfare Is More Deadly Than The Atomic Bomb. Here Are X Examples Of How It Is Already An Instrument Of Devastation In Ukraine | by Nico Nobili | Inspirational Technology | Jun, 2022 | Medium
The Artificial Intelligence Used In Warfare Is More Deadly Than The Atomic Bomb. Here Are X Examples Of How It Is Already An Instrument Of Devastation In Ukraine | by Nico Nobili | Inspirational Technology | Jun, 2022 | Medium
MIT scientists create robotic FIREFLIES that could help search-and-rescue missions | Daily Mail Online
MIT scientists create robotic FIREFLIES that could help search-and-rescue missions | Daily Mail Online
Les guerres du futur : énergie, ADN… et si tout dérapait ? | Les Echos
Les guerres du futur : énergie, ADN… et si tout dérapait ? | Les Echos
Guerre en Ukraine : les robots entrent en scène !
Guerre en Ukraine : les robots entrent en scène !
Assistons-nous à un génocide en Ukraine ? - Le Grand Continent
Assistons-nous à un génocide en Ukraine ? - Le Grand Continent
US military's robot dogs can swim with this tail accessory
US military's robot dogs can swim with this tail accessory
Pentagon chooses design for ‘Project Pele’ portable nuclear reactor prototype
Pentagon chooses design for ‘Project Pele’ portable nuclear reactor prototype
The UK is investing in small military recon drones | Popular Science
The UK is investing in small military recon drones | Popular Science
The Global Peace Index 2021 Reveals a Year of Civil Unrest
The Global Peace Index 2021 Reveals a Year of Civil Unrest
The role of space in driving sustainability, security, and development on Earth | McKinsey
The role of space in driving sustainability, security, and development on Earth | McKinsey
Los Angeles Fire Department Deploys First Electric Fire Truck |
Los Angeles Fire Department Deploys First Electric Fire Truck |
Guerre en Ukraine : les sanctions obligent la Russie à recycler les semi-conducteurs d'appareils ménagers pour ses armes, selon les États-Unis
Guerre en Ukraine : les sanctions obligent la Russie à recycler les semi-conducteurs d'appareils ménagers pour ses armes, selon les États-Unis
Tech university stops cyberattack with AI | Security Magazine
Tech university stops cyberattack with AI | Security Magazine
La marine américaine va entamer les essais de son sous-marin autonome Orca XLUUV - Zone Militaire
La marine américaine va entamer les essais de son sous-marin autonome Orca XLUUV - Zone Militaire
Le fabricant de matériels agricoles AGCO victime d'un ransomware, des usines à l'arrêt
Le fabricant de matériels agricoles AGCO victime d'un ransomware, des usines à l'arrêt
One of the Most Powerful DDoS Attacks Ever Hits a Crypto Platform
One of the Most Powerful DDoS Attacks Ever Hits a Crypto Platform
Hackers Can Access Your Alexa by Shining a Laser in Your Window
Hackers Can Access Your Alexa by Shining a Laser in Your Window
Artificial Intelligence Can Forecast Damaging Solar Storms - Zenger News
Artificial Intelligence Can Forecast Damaging Solar Storms - Zenger News
Call of Duty anti-cheat system makes legit players invisible to cheaters - The Verge
Call of Duty anti-cheat system makes legit players invisible to cheaters - The Verge
Ukraine : satellites de renseignement, cyberattaques... La guerre se joue aussi dans l'espace
Ukraine : satellites de renseignement, cyberattaques... La guerre se joue aussi dans l'espace
Using AI, Stanford Researchers Develop An Algorithm To Detect Illegal Deforestation With The Help Of Satellite Images - MarkTechPost
Using AI, Stanford Researchers Develop An Algorithm To Detect Illegal Deforestation With The Help Of Satellite Images - MarkTechPost
Voyage dans le temps, trous de ver, univers parallèles: les étranges recherches du Pentagone
Voyage dans le temps, trous de ver, univers parallèles: les étranges recherches du Pentagone
Deep-Fake Information Warfare
Deep-Fake Information Warfare
Le Département de l'Ardèche, victime d'une cyber-attaque " de grande ampleur" : des milliers de fichiers dévoilés sur le darkweb
Le Département de l'Ardèche, victime d'une cyber-attaque " de grande ampleur" : des milliers de fichiers dévoilés sur le darkweb
The hacker-for-hire industry is now too big to fail | MIT Technology Review
The hacker-for-hire industry is now too big to fail | MIT Technology Review
Russia's Sandworm Hackers Attempted a Third Blackout in Ukraine | WIRED
Russia's Sandworm Hackers Attempted a Third Blackout in Ukraine | WIRED
Guerre en Ukraine : la fonction « Localiser » d’Apple utilisée pour repérer les troupes russes
Guerre en Ukraine : la fonction « Localiser » d’Apple utilisée pour repérer les troupes russes
After George Floyd’s murder, police built a secretive surveillance machine that lives on | MIT Technology Review
After George Floyd’s murder, police built a secretive surveillance machine that lives on | MIT Technology Review
US Space Force Will Use 'Digital Twin' to Model Collisions - ExtremeTech
US Space Force Will Use 'Digital Twin' to Model Collisions - ExtremeTech
The military wants AI to replace human decision-making in battle
The military wants AI to replace human decision-making in battle
Blockchains Have a ‘Bridge’ Problem, and Hackers Know It
Blockchains Have a ‘Bridge’ Problem, and Hackers Know It
Inquiète des cyberattaques, l'UE continue de poser les jalons de son bouclier cyber
Inquiète des cyberattaques, l'UE continue de poser les jalons de son bouclier cyber
Ukraine : Aerorozvidka, l'unité de geeks qui écrase les forces russes
Ukraine : Aerorozvidka, l'unité de geeks qui écrase les forces russes
Elite Ukrainian Drone Pilots Are Reportedly Making All the Difference
Elite Ukrainian Drone Pilots Are Reportedly Making All the Difference
Russia's Killer Drone in Ukraine Raises Fears About AI in Warfare
Russia's Killer Drone in Ukraine Raises Fears About AI in Warfare
Deepfake video shows Volodymyr Zelensky telling Ukrainians to surrender
Deepfake video shows Volodymyr Zelensky telling Ukrainians to surrender
Une société française identifie les soldats russes en Ukraine par reconnaissance faciale
Une société française identifie les soldats russes en Ukraine par reconnaissance faciale
The war in Ukraine is having major consequences in space
The war in Ukraine is having major consequences in space
Noam Chomsky: US Military Escalation Against Russia Would Have No Victors
Noam Chomsky: US Military Escalation Against Russia Would Have No Victors
BALLAST • Ukraine : le regard de Noam Chomsky
BALLAST • Ukraine : le regard de Noam Chomsky
Tout savoir sur les drones Bayraktar TB2, maîtres du ciel en Ukraine et réputés redoutables
Tout savoir sur les drones Bayraktar TB2, maîtres du ciel en Ukraine et réputés redoutables
Israel Shows The F-35’s First Aerial Kill In Newly Declassified Video
Israel Shows The F-35’s First Aerial Kill In Newly Declassified Video
Ukraine's Punisher Drones Hit Russian Troops Multiple Times: Reports
Ukraine's Punisher Drones Hit Russian Troops Multiple Times: Reports
How 30 Lines of Code Blew Up a 27-Ton Generator | WIRED
How 30 Lines of Code Blew Up a 27-Ton Generator | WIRED
US Military Announces Plans for Satellite Orbiting the Moon
US Military Announces Plans for Satellite Orbiting the Moon
Anonymous pirate l'agence spatiale russe et dévoile des fichiers sensibles
Anonymous pirate l'agence spatiale russe et dévoile des fichiers sensibles
American Spy Agencies Are Struggling in the Age of Data | WIRED
American Spy Agencies Are Struggling in the Age of Data | WIRED
Hackers Find a New Way to Deliver Devastating DDoS Attacks | WIRED
Hackers Find a New Way to Deliver Devastating DDoS Attacks | WIRED
Google Disables Maps in Ukraine After It Revealed Troop Movements
Google Disables Maps in Ukraine After It Revealed Troop Movements
Why Vladimir Putin has already lost this war | Yuval Noah Harari | The Guardian
Why Vladimir Putin has already lost this war | Yuval Noah Harari | The Guardian
La cyberguerre pourrait obliger l’Otan à intervenir | Paperjam News
La cyberguerre pourrait obliger l’Otan à intervenir | Paperjam News
What Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Could Possibly Mean for Climate Change | Climate Conscious
What Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Could Possibly Mean for Climate Change | Climate Conscious
Ukraine’s Volunteer ‘IT Army’ Is Hacking in Uncharted Territory | WIRED
Ukraine’s Volunteer ‘IT Army’ Is Hacking in Uncharted Territory | WIRED
Une équipe de réaction rapide aux cyberattaques déployée dans toute l’Europe - Geeko
Une équipe de réaction rapide aux cyberattaques déployée dans toute l’Europe - Geeko
What is the quantum apocalypse and should we be scared? - BBC News
What is the quantum apocalypse and should we be scared? - BBC News
Weapons Tracing Study Implicates Russia in Ukraine Conflict - The New York Times
Weapons Tracing Study Implicates Russia in Ukraine Conflict - The New York Times
Chinese Cybersecurity Company Doxes Apparent NSA Hacking Operation
Chinese Cybersecurity Company Doxes Apparent NSA Hacking Operation
New Russian Drone Weapons Threaten Ukraine’s Air Defenses And Tanks
New Russian Drone Weapons Threaten Ukraine’s Air Defenses And Tanks
Ukraine Unveils Indigenous Stealth Attack Drone
Ukraine Unveils Indigenous Stealth Attack Drone
Russia-Ukraine Conflict Prompted U.S. to Develop Autonomous Drone Swarms, 1,000-Mile Cannon - Scientific American
Russia-Ukraine Conflict Prompted U.S. to Develop Autonomous Drone Swarms, 1,000-Mile Cannon - Scientific American
The first AI conflict? Israel's Gaza operation gives glimpse of future - Nikkei Asia
The first AI conflict? Israel's Gaza operation gives glimpse of future - Nikkei Asia
Israel's operation against Hamas was the world's first AI war - The Jerusalem Post
Israel's operation against Hamas was the world's first AI war - The Jerusalem Post
Russia's Cyberwar on Ukraine Is a Blueprint for What's to Come | WIRED
Russia's Cyberwar on Ukraine Is a Blueprint for What's to Come | WIRED
10 Breakthrough Technologies 2022: The end of passwords | MIT Technology Review
10 Breakthrough Technologies 2022: The end of passwords | MIT Technology Review
Sûreté nucléaire et changement climatique : État des lieux et réflexions (2/2)
Sûreté nucléaire et changement climatique : État des lieux et réflexions (2/2)
L'intelligence artificielle gagne ses dogfights contre des pilotes humains
L'intelligence artificielle gagne ses dogfights contre des pilotes humains
‘Mercenaries have skills armies lack’: former Wagner operative opens up | Russia | The Guardian
‘Mercenaries have skills armies lack’: former Wagner operative opens up | Russia | The Guardian
Scientists Invent Camera That Can See Through Almost Anything
Scientists Invent Camera That Can See Through Almost Anything
Un cloud européen : usine à gaz électoraliste ou nouvelle gouvernance?
Un cloud européen : usine à gaz électoraliste ou nouvelle gouvernance?
The US military is using video games and esports to recruit – it's downright immoral | The Independent | The Independent
The US military is using video games and esports to recruit – it's downright immoral | The Independent | The Independent
E-sport : avec le projet LNX, l’armée française se lance dans les jeux vidéo
E-sport : avec le projet LNX, l’armée française se lance dans les jeux vidéo
L'armée américaine valide l’utilisation de l’IA pour assister les pilotes
L'armée américaine valide l’utilisation de l’IA pour assister les pilotes
Des robots-chiens pour patrouiller aux frontières ? Ce n'est pas Black Mirror mais les États-Unis
Des robots-chiens pour patrouiller aux frontières ? Ce n'est pas Black Mirror mais les États-Unis
North Korea Hacked Him. So He Took Down Its Internet | WIRED
North Korea Hacked Him. So He Took Down Its Internet | WIRED
Deep Block présente la signature numérique sécurisée par la Blockchain et la cryptographie quantique
Deep Block présente la signature numérique sécurisée par la Blockchain et la cryptographie quantique
New Military Tech Lets One Person Fly Swarm of 130 Drones
New Military Tech Lets One Person Fly Swarm of 130 Drones
Young Innovator is building a World Without Landmines with Explosives-eliminating AI Drones
Young Innovator is building a World Without Landmines with Explosives-eliminating AI Drones
La Chine a testé un planeur orbital hypersonique à capacité nucléaire - Zone Militaire
La Chine a testé un planeur orbital hypersonique à capacité nucléaire - Zone Militaire
"Hello Quantum World:" New cybersecurity service uses entanglement to generate cryptographic keys - TechRepublic
"Hello Quantum World:" New cybersecurity service uses entanglement to generate cryptographic keys - TechRepublic
Conflit sino-américain : le quantique, nerf des guerres de demain ?
Conflit sino-américain : le quantique, nerf des guerres de demain ?
How an AI-powered system helps Abu Dhabi rank among the safest cities in the world | Uae – Gulf News
How an AI-powered system helps Abu Dhabi rank among the safest cities in the world | Uae – Gulf News
NASA's DART Mission Could Help Cancel an Asteroid Apocalypse - Scientific American
NASA's DART Mission Could Help Cancel an Asteroid Apocalypse - Scientific American
Pentagon using AI to predict future for 'days of advanced warning' on attacks on sensitive sites | Daily Mail Online
Pentagon using AI to predict future for 'days of advanced warning' on attacks on sensitive sites | Daily Mail Online
Israel Just Used Fully AI Controlled Drone Swarms in a World First
Israel Just Used Fully AI Controlled Drone Swarms in a World First
7 Times Apple Watch Saved Lives
7 Times Apple Watch Saved Lives
The Long Peace... Is It Over?
The Long Peace... Is It Over?
Apple cancels preexisting military drone Pentagon contract after acquiring AI company
Apple cancels preexisting military drone Pentagon contract after acquiring AI company
États-Unis : des pirates ont tenté d'empoisonner l'eau potable d'une ville de 15.000 habitants !
États-Unis : des pirates ont tenté d'empoisonner l'eau potable d'une ville de 15.000 habitants !